
School Announcements

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  • So far this term...

    Fri 20 Sep 2019

    So far this term...


    As we approach October we reflect on the start of the school year and congratulate our new Hedgehogs for settling into school so well. 


    Our new Year 6 have risen to the challenge of their last year with us. They are off on their residential next week to The Frank Chapman Centre - we wish them well. 


    A new Prime Minister has been elected; Rui Roper will lead the new Cabinet of Ministers which include: 


    Deputy Prime Minister: Macey Phillips

    Chancellor: Henry Mason

    Education Minister: Isobel Cutler

    Health Minister: Emily Stiles

    Sports Minister: Morgan Jones

    Environment Minister: Maisie George-Fuller


    On Monday the new cabinet will provide Key Stage 2 with the opportunity to become Junior Ministers for each department. 


    Areas in which the cabinet will lead and develop include: completing the Healthy Schools Award audit, working towards the Sports Mark Gold Award, taking part in learning walks and 'deep dives' of subjects including maths, reading and SEND provision this term. Maisie will be reporting back on the recent Climate Change Summit and what we can do as a school to reduce the carbon footprint. Henry will be keeping a close eye on funds and will explore ways in which we can increase further our reading resources. 


    Also on Monday our new School Council will be revealed. Reuben Walker from Year 6 will act as Chair this year with the first meeting on Monday from 2.30pm. 


    Kingfishers are making full use of the Forest School each Monday morning with the amazing outdoor environment providing a great stimulus for geography and science themed sessions. 


    With Harvest fast approaching followed by the annual Macmillan coffee morning the pupils are looking forward to sharing their 'All things bright and beautiful' art work in church on Friday 4th October.


    Come and join us... 





  • Meet the Teacher Sessions

    Thu 12 Sep 2019

    Meet the Teacher Sessions


    Thank you to all our parents that have attended our 'Meet the Teacher' sessions. We hope the information shared has been useful and has provided you with a clear overview (our intent) for the year ahead in each year group. 


    Next up will be our themed open mornings where you will have the opportunity to see the implementation of the curriculum. 

    Details to follow!


    During parents evening staff will be able to share how your child has settled into their new year group and how together we can support your child to reach their full potential. 


  • Welcome Back!

    Thu 12 Sep 2019

    Welcome Back!


    The start of September and a new school year is a great opportunity for all our pupils to focus on reaching their full potential and to be excited by the many opportunities our school has to offer. 

    Just like our outgoing Year 6 pupils - who enjoyed every moment of their primary experience - we know all our pupils are very lucky.

    Each year we discuss with the pupils, and ask… What is like to be a pupil at Wolverley Sebright? What areas of the school day could be even better? This forms our focus for the year ahead and ensures that our pupils have all the skills and attributes they need to Learn, Grow and Achieve.

    A new Ofsted framework sets out the principles that apply to inspection, and the main judgements that inspectors make when carrying out inspections of academies in England. The quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development and leadership and management are the new four areas of focus.

    The school website will provide more detail on these four areas during the year.

    One way in which you can support school is to ensure our attendance is above the national average. This is a key feature and inspectors will monitor the rates of attendance and punctuality and how the school supports all families to achieve high levels.

    It has been some time since our last inspection and in that time we have become consistently one of the best performing schools in Worcestershire and nationally. We are proud of the progress we continue to make each year and feel our ethos and learning culture meets the needs of our pupils. This is why this year we celebrate again the outstanding achievements of the pupils that attend this school.

    Our first whole school event will be the Harvest Festival; which will take place at St Johns Church, Wolverley on Friday 4th October.  ‘All things bright and Beautiful’ is the theme this year and we welcome all family and friends to join us in church from 9.15am. Following the service we will hold our annual Macmillan Coffee morning in school. Donations of cakes and sweet treats is a must in order for us to raise          valuable donations for the charity. 

    Over the next couple of weeks we invite parents to our ‘Meet the Teacher’ sessions for pupils in Year 1-6. Each session will provide detailed information for each year group. If you are unable to attend please let your child’s teacher know so all details can be shared with you. All dates are listed on the back of this  letter. I look forward to our year ahead and supporting every pupil and family in our school. 


    Shelley Reeves-Walters, Headteacher


Learn Grow Achieve
