Summer term
Jack and the beanstalk
Our new topic this term is Jack and the beanstalk this traditional tale is our current text and the children are enjoying reading the tale and re-writing their own versions.Alongside the writing the children will also learn about the life cycle of seeds and our to care for plants.
Welcome back!
Our theme is Chocolate!
Over the next few months we will be unwrapping the world of chocolate! The children will enjoy finding out about where in the world chocolate comes from, the journey from the cocoa bean to the bar and the impact the Cadbury family has had on the world of chocolate.
All our curriculum subjects will be taught during our Theme lessons, so this will include, for example our art, DT, geography, history, science areas of learning.
The children will enjoy many opportunities to taste chocolate products and cook wonderful recipes with chocolate.
I am reading Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to the children and many of our reading activities will be based upon this fantastic story. Just like Charlie Bucket we will also be visiting an amazing Chocolate Factory too! So watch this space for more details.
Please make sure that your child brings a bottle of water in every day.
Many thanks.