
School Announcements

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Mythical and Sacred animals.

During this topic the children are learning about mythical and sacred animals. This topic explores the amazing world of animals. The children will understand the importance of animals to the Hindu religion and appreciate why the cow is sacred. They will discover, Hanuman the monkey god, Ganesha the elephant god and Kamadhenu the cow, and their stories will be explored.  Hanuman is a superhero. In the Rama and Sita story he battles with the evil Ravana to save Sita. Children will  compare Hanuman to comic book heroes then they will design and describe their own animal superhero.  They will learn about snakes and share personal experiences involving snakes. They learn that some countries hold snakes in high esteem andwill  read a traditional tale about The Rainbow Snake. They will draw and paint their interpretations of a rainbow snake.  Later the children will  make snake puppets from a sock. They will  discuss the different materials they could use to add features and how these might be joined and assembled together. They will then write some class instructions using ‘bossy language’ for making a sock puppet. Finally, using their snake puppets they will work in small groups to plan, rehearse and perform a story. They will  share ideas and use percussion instruments to accompany their performances.  This then will bring us to the end of this wonderful topic!

Learn Grow Achieve
