Forest School
Woodpecker's forest school experience will be part of a rotation of activities on a Tuesday afternoon, along with RE and Computing. During the Forest school days please send your child in dressed in clothes and footwear appropriate for playing in the forest and getting muddy. They will need to be in long trousers and long sleeved tops to prevent any stings/scratches. They will also need to wear clothing appropriate for the season and weather, with wellies in a plastic bag, trainers to wear for the remainder of the day, waterproof coats, sun cream and a sun hat for hot days.
Please ensure any wellie boots are brought into school in a named bag which your child will keep safe on his / her peg during the morning. These items will be returned home at the end of the day.
Woodpeckers will be doing PE on a Thursday morning from 9am until 11am. They must come to school dressed in their outdoor P.E. kit. With shorts, jogging bottoms , P.E. top and a blue hoodie. Long hair must be tied up on PE days and earrings either left safe at home or covered with tape.