
School Announcements

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Homework, Reading Records and Contact Book


Every child in Robins Class has an A4 red Homework Book. This will be sent home each Friday with two pieces of homework in it. One will be an English piece, which will either be spellings or a short writing task. The other will be a Maths task, which will vary each week from number work to shape to problem solving! Homework is to be returned to school by the following Thursday.


Please feel free to help your child with their homework if you feel that they need it.


Reading Record.

An orange reading record has been given to each child in Robins Class. This will be sent home every night, along with your child's reading book. When you listen to your child practise their reading with their book each night, please fill in one of the sections of the reading record with your comments. Mrs. Cadwallader, Mr. McDonnell and I (Miss White) will do the same when we listen to your child read during the week in school. Our book changing days are every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If your child has their reading book and reading record with them on these days, their book will be changed.  


Contact Book.

As every morning on the playground and the end of the school day can be a hectic time for everybody, the children in Robins Class have been given an A5 red Contact Book. If you have any questions or queries regarding your child's time in school and you may not be able to speak to us in person, write them in the book, along with the date. We will check the book every morning and see which ones need a response. This will be written in the book for you to read when your child takes the book home.



* Homework needs to be completed neatly and in pencil.  


* When writing in the contact book, it is very important that the date is written so we know when each query has been recorded.


Thank you all for your cooperation.

Learn Grow Achieve
