Curriculum overview
The overall topic for this half term is legacy and empires. The year 3 topic is ‘The Romans’. This will be explored through the curriculum areas covered during this half term.
In English this term we will be reading ‘Roman Invasion’ by Jim Eldridge as our shared class text. We will use this alongside some non fiction texts to link with our learning in History to write a non chronological report all about the Romans. Children will fact find and gather information from a range of sources to put together. They will also complete a diary entry, thinking about how the character in the text would be feeling.
In maths we will be following the White Rose scheme of work. We will continue to learn about multiplication and division using written methods. After we will change focus to length and perimeter, learning about how to measure and calculate perimeters.
For our Science lessons we will follow the White Rose Scheme of work.Our topic will be fossils and soils. This children will have the chance to learn about a famous scientist (Mary Anning) and conduct an experiment about different soils.
History is led by Miss Childs and the children will be learning about all aspects of Roman life. They will understand what it was like to live in Roman times, how this has impacted us now and about artefacts that help us understand what it was like.
Our PSHE follows the Jigsaw scheme of learning. Our topic this half term will be dreams and goals. We will look to the future to see what the children hope to achieve when they are older and talking about overcoming obstacles to achieve theses.
In RE we use the Jigsaw scheme to aid our learning.This half term the children will be learning more about the Christian faith and miracles that Christians believe Jesus performed.
In art we will be making 3D sculptures using a variety of different methods to join and fix materials together. We will begin by understanding the different shapes used in art and create our own piece.
In computing the children will be using Scratch to create music by using different sprites and functions on the software. We will learn about sequencing and ordering commands to programme the sprites.
Our PE sessions will be led by Mr Bishop with support from Miss Chammings. They will take place on Thursday afternoons and will give the children opportunities to try new sports by building up techniques and putting them into practice. This half term they will be doing dance.
In music we will be exploring the Reggae genre of music specifically looking at the song ‘3 little birds’. We will listen to the song, begin to understand the pulse and have a go at performing it using Glockenspiels and singing.
Spanish lessons will be led by Miss Childs. The children will get the opportunity to learn some new Spanish words and use them when talking to their friends.