Curriculum overview
The overall topic for year 3 is the UK, children will get to learn about this during Geography lessons and across the wider curriculum. Our enquiry question is: What are the unique features of the UK?
During Autumn 1 we will focus on 2 class texts to support our learning. We will firstly focus on The Wonder Garden by Jenny Broom. We will use this text to help us write some poetry using some of the language and information we find in The Wonder Garden.
The Second text we will focus on is Flotsam by David Weisner. This is a picture book and it will be used to help the children use their imaginations to write setting description using descriptive language.
In maths we will be following the White Rose scheme of work. We will begin by by focussing on place value, addition and subtraction. We will be representing numbers to 1000 understanding the place value of each digit. After we will complete addition and subtractions with up to 3 digit numbers with and without exchanges in the column method.
For our Science lessons we will follow the White Rose Scheme of work. We will begin the term by investigating skeletons in humans and animals, identifying and naming different bones and parts of the skeleton. We will then move on to looking at different diets and food waste. We will also be investigating the Scientist George Washington Carver and completing some scientific experiments.
Our PSHE follows the Jigsaw scheme of learning. The Topic for Autumn 1 is ‘Being me in my world’. This topic will link well with the start of the school year helping the children understand rules, consequences and rewards.
In RE we use the Jigsaw scheme to aid our learning. We will be focussing on the Buddhist religion and asking ‘Is it possible for everyone to be happy?’. The lessons will look at the story of Buddha and the key messages from this.
In Art the children will be creating their own botanical drawings. Using the Kapow Primary scheme the children will learn about shading and texture to use in their artwork. They will get the opportunity to practise the skills they learn before completing their final piece.
In computing the children will be creating media through desk top publishing. They will learn different skills in relation to the content, editing and layout of their media to make it user friendly.
Our PE sessions will be led by Mr Bishop with support from Miss Chammings. During the First half term the children will be focussing on fitness and personal challenge. They will be learning about the elements of fitness and how to challenge themselves to improve their fitness.
In music we will be finding the pulse and rhythm of the song ‘Let your spirit fly’. Once we have done this children will learn to play parts of the song on the Glockenspiels and learn the lyrics to perform the whole song.
Spanish lessons will be led by Miss Childs with the first half term being focussed on greetings. The children will learn basic Spanish greetings and get to practise their phrases in the classroom talking to each other.