Summer 2 Topic:
Our topic for the second part of the Summer Term will be “Magnificent Monarchs”. This topic will cover many areas of National Curriculum and will give the children a cross curricular approach to their learning. This will include:
English: We will writing a recount of our Kings and Queens Workshop.
Guided Reading: Using our reading V.I.P.E.R.S, we will be exploring the story 'Rapunzel' by Bethan Woolvin
Spelling Focus: We will be focusing on homophones and near homophones and the months of the year.
Maths: We will be focusing on statistics, time and position and direction.
Science: We will be looking at everyday materials.
History: We will finding out the role of a monarch, comparing the monarchy today with the monarchy in the past, investigate how William the Conqueror became King and learn how he used castles to rule.
DT: We will be exploring the importance of a balanced diet and use that knowledge to create a tasty wrap.
Computing: Mrs Harrison will be focusing on pictograms and inputting data.
PE: Mr Bishop and Miss Price will be focusing on athletics.
Music: We will be following our Charanga scheme to reflect and recap on what we have learnt throughout the year.
PSHE: Through our Jigsaw scheme, we will be looking at the topic 'Changing Me'.
RE: Through our Jigsaw scheme, we will be looking at the enquiry question 'Does visiting the Synagogue help Jewish children feel closer to God?'
Summer 1 Topic:
Our topic for the first part of the Summer Term will be “Beside the Seaside”. This topic will cover many areas of National Curriculum and will give the children a cross curricular approach to their learning. This will include:
English: On Literacy Shed Plus, we will be exploring the story 'The Pirates Next Door' by Jonny Duddle. We will be looking at all the features of a diary to create our own diary entry.
Guided Reading: Using our reading V.I.P.E.R.S, we will be exploring the story 'Grandma Bird' by Benji Davies
Spelling Focus: We will be focusing on the suffixes: -ment, -ness, -ful, -less and -ly, words ending in -tion, contractions and possessive apostrophes.
Maths: We will be focusing on length, height, mass, capacity, temperature and fractions.
Science: We will be looking at plants and trees.
Geography: Following our Focus Education Scheme, our enquiry question looks at 'Why do we love to be beside the seaside?'
Art: We will be exploring on teaching primary and secondary colours, colour mixing and creating textures using different tools.
Computing: Mrs Harrison will be focusing on programming and learning about quizzes.
PE: Mr Bishop and Miss Price will be focusing on bat and ball / target games.
Music: We will be following our Charanga scheme to learn a song about friendship.
PSHE: Through our Jigsaw scheme, we will be looking at the topic 'Relationships'.
RE: Through our Jigsaw scheme, we will be looking at the enquiry question 'Why do Sikhs admire their Guru?'
Spring Term 2 Topic:
Our topic for the second part of the Spring Term will be “All Aboard!”. This topic will cover many areas of National Curriculum and will give the children a cross curricular approach to their learning. This will include:
English: We will be learning how read and write instructions.
Guided Reading: Using our reading V.I.P.E.R.S, we will be exploring the story 'Fairy Tale Pet' by Tracy Cordroy and Jorge Martin.
Spelling Focus: We will be focusing on /u/ spelt 'o', /ee/ spelt 'ey', /o/ spelt 'a' and /zh/ spelt 's'.
Maths: We will be focusing on multiplication and division.
Science: We will be looking at living things and their habitats. We will explore the different types of habitats animals can live in, as well as looking at food chains.
Geography: Following our Focus Education Scheme, our enquiry question looks at 'What goes on at an airport and train station?'
DT: We will be exploring structures and creating a baby bear's chair.
Computing: Mrs Harrison will be focusing on creating media (making music).
PE: Mr Bishop and Miss Price will be focusing on gymnastics.
Music: We will be following our Charanga scheme to learn about reggae music, as well as learning our Easter song.
PSHE: Through our Jigsaw scheme, we will be looking at the topic 'Healthy Me'.
RE: Through our Jigsaw scheme, we will be looking at the enquiry question 'How important is it to Christians that Jesus came back to life after his crucifixion?'
Spring Term 1 Topic:
Our topic for the first part of the Spring Term will be “Heroes in History”. This topic will cover many areas of National Curriculum and will give the children a cross curricular approach to their learning. This will include:
English: On Literacy Shed Plus, we will be looking at the story 'Caterpillar Shoes'. We will be learning how to write character descriptions, recount events and create a non-chronological report.
Guided Reading: Using our reading V.I.P.E.R.S, we will be exploring the story 'The Great Kapok Tree' by Lynne Cherry.
Spelling Focus: We will be focusing on adding the suffixes -ing, -est, -er, -ed to words and Year 2 common exception words.
Maths: We will be focusing on money, multiplication and division.
Science: We will be looking at living things and their habitats. We will explore the different types of habitats animals can live in, as well as looking at food chains.
History: Following our Focus Education Scheme, our enquiry question looks at 'Who are the famous people that have made an impact on the world?'
Art: We will be exploring with clay to design and make a clay tile house.
Computing: Mrs Harrison will be focusing on robot algorithms.
PE: Mr Bishop and Miss Price will be focusing on circuit training and dance.
Music: We will be following our Charanga scheme to learn about rock music.
PSHE: Through our Jigsaw scheme, we will be looking at the topic 'Dreams and Goals'
RE: Through our Jigsaw scheme, we will be looking at the enquiry question 'How important is the prophet Muhammed to Muslims?'
Autumn Term 2 Topic:
Our topic for the second part of the Autumn Term will be “The Great Fire of London”. This topic will cover many areas of National Curriculum and will give the children a cross curricular approach to their learning. This will include:
English: On Literacy Shed Plus, We will be exploring the story Toby and The Great Fire of London. We will be using adjectives to describe a character, write a haiku poem and a diary entry from the characters point of view
Guided Reading: Using our reading V.I.P.E.R.S, we will be exploring the story Toby and The Great Fire of London by Margaret Nash and Jane Cope
Spelling Focus: We will be focusing on the /l/ sound spelt 'le', 'el', 'al' and 'il' at the end of words, /igh/ spelt 'y', adding 'ies' to words ending in 'y' and some Year 2 common exception words.
Maths: We will be focusing on addition, subtraction and shape.
Science: We will at looking biology focusing on Humans. We will be looking at the importance of exercise, a healthy diet, good hygiene and cleaning your teeth.
History: Following our Focus Education Scheme, our enquiry question looks at 'What lessons have we learnt from The Great Fire of London?'
DT: We will be making money pouches. We will be learning how to thread a needle, design a pouch, use a template to cut out a felt pouch, sew using a running stitch and decorate the pouch using other materials and a hot glue gun.
Computing: Mrs Harrison will be focusing on robot algorithms.
PE: Mr Bishop and Miss Price will be focusing on gymnastics and dance.
Music: We will be practising our songs for the Christmas Nativity.
PSHE: Through our Jigsaw scheme, we will be looking at the topic 'Celebrating Difference.'
RE: Through our Jigsaw scheme, we will be looking at the enquiry question 'Why do Christians believe God gave Jesus to the world?'
Autumn Term 1 Topic:
Our topic for the first part of the Autumn Term will be “Amazing Africa”. This topic will cover many areas of National Curriculum and will give the children a cross curricular approach to their learning. This will include:
English: On Literacy Shed Plus, We will be exploring a film unit called 'Zahra' which is about a young girl in Africa. Throughout our English lessons, we will be creating a character description, exploring expanded noun phrases and retelling the story.
Guided Reading: Using our reading V.I.P.E.R.S, we will be exploring the story 'Meerkat Mail' by Emily Gravett
Spelling Focus: Through assessment, we will initially recap the sounds learnt in Robins. We will then begin to learn the rules for 'kn' and 'gn', soft 'c' and soft 'j' and some common exception words.
Maths: We will be focusing on place value to 100 as well as some addition and subtraction.
Science: We will be focusing on animals' needs for survival, focusing on the 6 main animal groups.
Geography: We will be focusing on how different our life would be if we lived in Kenya.
Art: The key skill we will be focusing on is 'Drawing'. We will be developing a range of mark making techniques, exploring and experimenting with mark making to create textures, observational drawing, applying expressions to illustrate a character and developing illustrations to create a story.
Computing: Mrs Harrison will be creating media through digital photography.
PE: Mr Bishop and Miss Price will be focusing on invasion games and gymnastics.
Music: Through our Charanga scheme, we will be exploring the song 'Hands, feet and Heart' by Joanna Mangona, which celebrates South African music.
PSHE: Through our Jigsaw scheme, we will be looking at the topic 'Being Me in My World'.