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The Wonders of...

The Wonders of...


Find out as much as you can about Mount Kilimanjaro, in the African country of Tanzania, and create a quiz about the landmark.
Record your questions, 10 or maybe more, but make sure you know the answers!
If you would like to, you could turn it into a 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire' quiz, where contestants have 3 lives and are given the options of phoning a friend, 50/50, or ask the audience (family, friends, teachers).
Good luck with your quiz!

Spot the member of staff who has made it to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro!

If you would rather base your quiz on a different African landmark then please feel free to do so.
Here are a couple of other suggestions:
Victoria Falls in Zambia (this is one of the natural wonders of the world)
Table Mountain in South Africa

Photographs taken by...????

Some information to get you started

Learn Grow Achieve
