
School Announcements

Learn Grow Achieve ~ Follow us on Instagram & Twitter @wolverley_SAET ~ Wolverley Sebright Nursery call 01562 850268 for more details ~ Wrap Around Call 07771 848288 to secure your place ~ If you wish to visit our school and see it in action please call 01562 850268 to arrange a time.
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A warm welcome from our Trust’s CEO


Welcome to Severn Academies Educational Trust (SAET).


We are a sponsoring multi academy trust supporting students in their education within nursery, primary, secondary and post 16 settings.  All of our schools are led by highly skilled Headteachers/Principals, supported by their local governing bodies, who are passionate about ensuring all our young people enjoy their learning and achieve the best educational standards.  Schools within SAET work closely together to share resources and develop practices so that our students can become the best that they can be.


We are proud of our students’ commitment towards their education and for their individual and collective achievements.  All of our schools offer a broad curriculum that enables academic success whilst giving students many opportunities to develop interests in a wide range of additional extra-curricular experiences.


The success we have had so far can be attributed to the talented and highly dedicated teachers, support staff, leaders and governors at our Academies. Schools within the Trust are committed to a culture of continued development and innovation to ensure that all our students, whatever their starting point, achieve to their very best ability. We are equally grateful to our young people and parents and carers for their extensive support and commitment to our schools and the work we do.  All of our schools are at the heart of their local communities and aim to ensure that students are best placed to make the next steps in their lives successfully, and are equipped to make positive contributions to society.


Thank you for taking the time to view our website. If you have any further questions or would like to visit one of our Academies, please contact our schools directly.


Chris King
Chief Executive Officer



Meet the Team




Contact Information and Registered Office


  • Severn Academies Educational Trust, The Stourport High School and Sixth Form College, Minster Road, Stourport on Severn, Worcs, DY13 8AX


  •  01562 542 574




Statutory Publishing




  •  Click Here for Statutory Publishing (including Gender Pay Gap and Executive Pay reporting) and Accounts



SAET-Wide Vacancies 


Learn Grow Achieve
