The topic for this Summer Term 2 is 'Making A Splash
We will be launching this topic by reading a brilliant text called ‘All Afloat on Noah's Boat' by Tony Mitton.
Our PSHE we will continue with 'Relationships'.
We will then move the focus to the text 'Mr Archimedes' Bath by Pamela Allen followed by 'You wouldn't want to live without Clean Water!' by Roger
Our art focus will be to create our own treasure maps using a range of media and resources.
In Maths we will be following the White Rose Maths Scheme.
Literacy will involve consolidating our phase 3 phonics and introducing a narrative into our writing. We will focus on being able to read what we have written.
We will continue to participate in Guided Reading sessions in school on a weekly basis.
Thank you for your continued support hearing your child read at home .
This half term our PE focus is Athletics. The children will also develop their skills in running, speed direction and hitting a target.
The topic for this Summer Term 1 is 'Once Upon A Time.'
We will be launching this topic by reading a brilliant text called ‘Suddenly' by Colin McNaughton.
Our PSHE we will continue with 'Healthy Me.'
We will then move the focus to the text 'The Highway Rat' by Julia Donaldson followed by The Gingerbread Man, Goldilocks and The Three Bears and Cinderella.
Our art focus will be to use different resources to create houses for the 3 Little Pigs using a variety of materials. This also links with Understanding of the World where we will be looking at different types materials and exploring textures.
In Maths we will be following the White Rose Maths Scheme.
Literacy will involve consolidating our phase 3 phonics and introducing a narrative into our writing.
This half term our PE focus is Athletics.
Autumn term topic:
The topic for this Autumn term 1 is Marvellous Me!
We will be launching this topic by reading a brilliant text called ‘Super Duper You’ by Sophy Henn.
We will learn some traditional Nursery Rhymes,describe ourselves and our family during circle time sessions; whilst also getting to know each other,identifying class rules,friendships and discussing our likes and dislikes.
Our PSHE focus this half term is 'Being Me in my World'.
We will then move the focus to the text Marvelous Me by Lisa Bullard.. We will be designing our own self portraits,hand prints, skeletons and mixing colours.
In Maths we will be following the White Rose Maths Scheme.
Literacy will involve learning our phase 2 and phase 3 phonics.
Autumn 2 term topic:
The topic for this Autumn term 1 is Out of this world.
We will be launching this topic by reading a brilliant text called ‘Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson.
We will investigate our bodies, identify body parts and think about our senses and how we use them.
Our PSHE focus this half term is 'Celebrating Difference''.
We will then move the focus to the text Aliens Love Underpants by Claire Freedman. We will be learning about the artist Vincent Van Gough and will design our own starry night pictures.
In Maths we will be following the White Rose Maths Scheme.
Literacy will involve learning our phase 2 and phase 3 phonics.
Remote Learning-If you are self isolating and are unable to get your child into school,please follow the weekly plan below.
There are links and activities for you to have a go at,please just do your best and email me on sking@wolverleysebright.worcs, should you need any help.