
School Announcements

Learn Grow Achieve ~ Follow us on Instagram & Twitter @wolverley_SAET ~ Wolverley Sebright Nursery call 01562 850268 for more details ~ Wrap Around Call 07771 848288 to secure your place ~ If you wish to visit our school and see it in action please call 01562 850268 to arrange a time.
School Logo Home Page





Spellings - to learn how to spell and to learn the meaning of each word- 

spelling test every Monday

Reading - daily reading at home with a family member - remember to record daily in your child's Reading Record 

Education City - English asks will be set weekly for your child to complete on line

Times Tables - set on a Wednesday and to be completed by the following Wednesday



Times Tables - each week will have a times tables focus and your child will be tested every Monday

Education City - maths tasks will be set weekly for your child to complete on line

Times Tables - set on a Wednesday and to be completed by the following Wednesday

TT Rockstars - each child will have a log in to TT Rockstars, using their wonde logins and emoji passwords - children are encouraged to practice as much as possible to increase their speed and confidence.



Occasionally your child will receive a special topic homework - this may be in the form of for example;  research, art work, DT, collecting materials........




Learn Grow Achieve
