
School Announcements

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Following the success of the online home schooling and the use of Education City and also to minimise the number of books going to and from school, all homework will be set on line.

It will be set on Education City. To access this platform you will need your child's 'Wonde' password. You should already have a copy of these at home, and your child's teacher will also stick a copy in your child's reading record book. Log into Wonde and you will then be able to access your child's  'My City' homework that has been set for them on Education City by their teacher.

Homework will be set in Maths and English and will be set on a Monday to be completed by the following Monday.  Mrs Hall and Mrs Latty will check on Education City that the homework has been completed and children will be rewarded for completing it. Any children who didn't manage to get their homework done at home will be given the opportunity to complete it during a break time.


Reading is the most important thing you can do with your child at home. The expectation is that your child will read at home every night. If they do not have an opportunity to read to someone at home then they will have an opportunity to read at break time so they do not fall behind with their reading. Please ensure that you record in the reading record book when your child has read at home.  If you finish a book please make it clear that the book has been finished and you require a new book. If the book is finished before book change day, please still read with your child. This can be the same book again, which is great for fluency and understanding of the text, or alternatively this can be a book that you have at home. 

Just make sure you record the date, the name of the book read and a comment in the reading record book. 


Times Tables - please continue to support your child with their times tables learning.

Learn Grow Achieve
