
School Announcements

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Welcome to Kingfishers

with Mrs Jefferson and Mrs Stiles.


In Kingfishers we believe that if something's worth doing, its worth doing well. We always try our best so that together we can achieve.


We are really lucky to have Mrs Brown and Mrs Wilks with us enabling small focused work and support. We will be around on the playground in the mornings and at 3pm, please come and speak to me and ask about any queries you may have.


Thursday 7th June




Following our Spanish themed week, please:

  1. Write 10 facts about Spain. The information may be something you already knew or something you have learned this week.
  2. Select another country to research and record 10 facts about that country. Please explain why you chose this country.
  3. Could you present this as a power point presentation, a leaflet to share at school or as a game to play with your friends?

We look forward to seeing what you create.

Many thanks


Mrs Stiles



Summer Term...


Welcome back to you all, this is the summer term…. Although you wouldn’t know it from the weather! We hope you all had a restful Easter break. I am sure we have all returned with our batteries recharged for the exciting summer term.


Our topic this term will see us become ‘Water Wizards’ as we undertake research of both local waters and rivers from around the world. Following this we will become ‘Outlaws’, more will follow concerning this nearer the time.


We have been very lucky to be selected to work with Worcester Wildlife Trust and explore the local river environment. During our week as ‘River Rangers’ we will immerse ourselves… but not literally!...learning about what lives in the river Stour, and how humans impact the river, positively we hope.

Parent Overview Summer 2018

Our field trip to Springfield Park, wow, we were busy, stream dipping and calculating the velocity.

Kingfishers Cycling, we were proud of our confident cycling proficiency.

Space Theatre trip, can you identify the aliens?

Have a look at our amazing costumes celebrating World Book Day.

We wrote our own stories and then read them to a buddy from Hedgehogs.

These are last terms Creative Topic Homework. Can it be beaten? Have a look at our amazing project work. We had lots of fun creating these. Many thanks to everyone who helped us.

Creative Space Homework: isn't it amazing!

Key Information


An example day:

Monday: Register and silent reading in tutor groups

           Maths in year groups



           English in year groups


           Registration in tutor groups and silent reading

           Year 4 Computing / Year 5 R.E and Spanish

           Return to tutor groups to organise home time 


Friday afternoon provides an opportunity for the registration group to discuss what has worked well during the week and how it could be even better if......

We also have our Talk time and news round updates. Due to popular demand we now also include peer massage




Creative Curriculum


Kingfishers will be together for the foundation subjects and we are very proud and excited by our new timetable and key stage approach to teaching.

  • As you are aware from the timetable we will have topic afternoons on Wednesday and Friday.

  • On Monday afternoons and Friday morning’s a rotation of activities will allow the children to experience Art and Music, Spanish and R.E., Computing then Forest Schools, P.E. and Home Economics.

  • Initially Kingfishers will be doing P.E. and Computing.

  • Tuesday afternoons will be Science with Mrs Webber and Mrs Brown.

  • Thurday afternoons will be P.E. with myself and Mr McDonnell, this term will be tag rugby. P.E. kits can be left in school, everything must be labelled.



I, Mrs Stiles will provide topic homework for each term with a return date. This will be focused around the class learning, consolidating teaching and demonstrating independence, children should spend about 30 minutes each week on it and please say if your child is unsure, we are here to help.


Guided Reading

Following out space theme day topic we will be reading a fictional story book written by Steven and Lucy Hawking called George’s Secret Key to the Universe. We will also be using a variety of non-fiction books to direct our learning and develop our comprehension skills. 


Talk Time

Back due to popular demand is Friday Talk Time. Children will be able to sign up and present to the class about anything they are interested in and enjoy. It can be about a special holiday or hobby, anything! We welcome pictures etc. and if they want to present a powerpoint presentation using the interactive whiteboard they can.

An example talk time

Class Photographs

Check back here regularly for photographs of what your child has been up to


Links to websites that the children use in school which may be useful for them to access at home.


Please check here regularly for copies of any letters that may have been sent out by your child's teacher.

Parent overview Autumn Term 2017-2018

Learn Grow Achieve
