April 2021
Online Homework platforms will be shared and staff will direct each child through tasks that will reinforce the learning in class.
Homework will be set every Thursday via the Education City Platform.
Please complete this for the following Thursday.
Thank You.
w/c 28.9.20
Dear Parents,
I will be sending home your child's wonde login.This will enable your child to access a number of platforms including Education City. You should be able to access wonde on most devices,with the exception of an apple mac as this is not compatible.
I will attach some simple instructions for first time users as a step by step guide.
A hard copy is also available on the Hedgehogs notice board located opposite the ramp to the modular building.
Should you have any difficulties,please let us know and we will be pleased to help.
I have set a simple phonics task for them to access from 1.10.20 and complete by 8.10.20.
Mrs King.
Online homework
Following the success of the online home schooling and also to minimise the number of books going to and from school, all homework in the Autumn term will be set on line. It will be set either using Google Classroom or Education City. To access both of these platforms you will need your child's 'Wonde' password. We will stick a copy of this in the front of your child's reading record book. Click on the link at the bottom of this page and follow the instructions to log into Wonde. You will then be able to access your child's Google Classroom as well as the 'My City' homework that has been set for them on Education City.
During the week, the children will begin to learn new phonemes (letter sounds). You can play games and practise these newly learnt sounds on Education City. Mrs.King will put new games on every week for the children to have a go at, at home. We will check on Education City that the homework has been completed and children will be rewarded for completing it.
Reading is a really important thing you can do with your child at home. The expectation is that your child will read regularly, ideally at least three times a week. Please ensure that you record in the reading record book when your child has read at home. Reading books will be changed and 3 new books given on a Monday and need to be returned on a Friday. If the book is finished before book change day, please still read with your child. This can be the same book again, which is great for fluency and understanding of the text, or alternatively this can be a book that you have at home, or even a book from the Oxford Owls website.
Just make sure you record the date, the name of the book read and a comment in the reading record book.