
School Announcements

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Curriculum Overview

Summer Term Topics: We start with a topic all about: 'Ancient Romans', which will be followed after the break with Wild Weather.


Enquiry Question: How What did the Romans ever do for us…?

We will explore what life was like for the Romans when they invaded and colonised Britain.


Enquiry Question: How is the landscape and weather different around the world? 

Using our knowledge from earlier in the year we will discover how global weather patterns can affect us and people around the world.

Following the artist Andrew Goldsworthy we will be creating our own 3D sculpture using material from the natural world. This term finishes with many sporting activities to be enjoyed by everyone!


English uses the reading texts as a learning framework, we will use key ‘VIPERS’ skills to explore ‘Roman Invasion’ by Jim Eldridge. Other information books will support this as we write information reports, newspaper articles and fiction stories. After reading ‘Tin Forest’ by Helen Ward we will create an adventure story and a play.


Maths will be focus on the area of fractions, money, time, shape and statistics. We will use problem solving, reasoning and discussion to aid our understanding and gain confidence by sharing our learning with a class buddy. We will be reviewing our key instant recall facts when counting in 10s and converting fractions of 10 into decimals and multiplying and dividing by ten. Gaining confidence, fluency and speed with the times tables reviewed this year will be ongoing during the term.


Science allows us to explore the forces and capabilities of magnets. How they work and how strong they are. The famous seismologist Inge Lehmann will completement this learning about the inner core’s magnetic traits. We will carry out our own investigations into magnets and then use these skills in independent investigations.  The jigsaw PSHE scheme enables us to discuss ‘relationships’ and ‘changing me’. In Music the Charanga scheme focuses on playing music in different ways. We extend our Spanish language with colours and saying goodbye. In addition, there will be a morning of P.E. focusing on tri golf, tennis against a wall and net, cricket and athletics and an afternoon of Forest school covering Design and Technology and fieldwork skills.

To prepare for the Spring Term 2022 we would like to share the class theme and curriculum drivers which will shape your child’s learning next term. It is important that we continue to work together in supporting your child in school.

Please take time to read the class overview with your child and explore links to the new topics and areas of focus for the term ahead.

Spring Term Topics: We start with a topic all about: 'Agricultural Revolution', which will be followed after the break with Landscapes, Rivers and Mountains.


Enquiry Question: How has farming changed over the last century?

Through our own experiences of food and where is comes from today we will track back in time and see how people over the ages have grown and traded to survive. We will be visited by the Worcestershire STEM challenge team and build something from KNEX as an afternoon themed activity. Following this we will construct our own machines using pneumatics and levers.


Enquiry Question: What are the similarities and differences between the UK border counties? 

Using our geography field work as a basis we shall be exploring river pollution and it causes. We will compare places around the world and see what impact it is having to the natural environments and human populations. We will consider the natural environments of rivers and mountains and how they impact our water cycle and rocks and soils.

English uses the reading texts as a learning framework, we will use key ‘VIPERS’ skills to explore ‘Toms magnificent machines’ by Sarah Linda and the shirt machine film as stimulus. Information texts will show us how machines work and have helped produce our food. This will inform our writing where we will focus on the non-fiction writing styles of reports and explanations.

After studying multimedia extracts we will write a chronological report about river pollution and a persuasive letter about what we can do to help. Finally, the quest stories by Aaron Becker: Journey, Quest and Return will allow us to write a quality story to enter into the SAET story writing competition!

Maths will be focus on the area of: multiplication and division; length and perimeter; fractions and mass and capacity. We will use problem solving, reasoning and discussion to aid our understanding and gain confidence by sharing our learning with a class buddy. We will be reviewing our key instant recall facts of our times tables and focus on learning the new times tables 4 and 8.


Science allows us to explore the natural elements of plants, rocks and soils, and fossils. We will learn about the intrepid plant hunters: Sir Joseph Banks, David Douglas, Jeanne Baret, Tom Hart and the fossil archaeologists William Smith and Dr Lisa White. We will carry out our own investigations into how plants grow and how fossils are formed and found. The jigsaw PSHE scheme enables us to discuss ‘goals and dreams’ and ‘healthy me’. In Music the Charanga scheme focuses on glockenspiels and different music styles where we shall learn a reggae song. We extend our Spanish language with numbers. In addition, there will be a morning of P.E. focusing on personal fitness using challenges and quick-sticks hockey and an afternoon of Forest school covering Design and Technology and fieldwork skills. A focus on E-safety will ensure we are aware of the dangers using computers but also the benefits.

The next steps…

During the Spring term we will share baseline data and targets in reading, writing and maths for your child via family conversations. Pupil Progress meetings are taking place with staff and end of term data is being collected, analysed and used to inform planning.

We will share progress updates next term along with any revised targets to support your child in the term ahead.

If you have any questions please email Mrs Stiles on


To prepare for the Autumn Term 2022 we would like to share the class theme and curriculum drivers which will shape your child’s learning next term. It is important that we continue to work together in supporting your child in school.

Please take time to read the class overview with your child and explore links to the new topics and areas of focus for the term ahead.

Autumn Term Topics: We start with a geography and PSHE topic all about: 'Unique Me', followed by a history focus about the ‘Spanish Armada’ after the half term break.


Enquiry Question: How has our locality changed over the last century?

We shall be exploring what makes us special and unique. We will learn about our local area, exploring what amenities we have on offer and how it has been used in the past. We will carry out field work and a traffic survey to see which areas are most used and why, and whether we can help improve things.


Enquiry Question: What were the consequences of the Spanish Armada?

We shall investigate what life was like in Elizabethan England and what caused the conflict and what impact did it have for us today.

English uses the reading texts as a learning framework, we will begin with: Flotsam by David Weisner and The day the crayons came home by Drew Daywalt and Oliver Jeffers. Through these quality text we will be using key ‘VIPERS’ skills to explore the plot, characters and settings. This will inform our writing where we will focus on setting descriptions, postcard and story writing, using our own holiday experiences to add personal flare and variety. Reading the book ‘My Friend Walter’ by Michael Morpurgo enables us to explore the history topic of the Spanish Armada in detail. We will write a report and a diary to include key facts and experiences which this period of time evokes. Before Christmas we will focus on the poem ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas.

Maths will be focus on the area of place value and the calculation methods of: addition and subtraction; and multiplication and division, using problem solving, reasoning and discussion to aid our understanding and gain confidence by sharing our learning with a class buddy. We will be reviewing our key instant recall facts of number bonds <20 and counting in 50s and 100s. Our times table knowledge and skills are developed as we learn these through song and games. Firstly, we will revisit the 2x, 5x and 10x then move onto the 3x.

We shall be focusing on animals including humans’ digestion and food choices, and how our bodies work including the skeleton in Science. After half term light will be our topic. We use investigations to develop our science skills and use questioning to discuss what we have learned. We also study a famous scientist each term, they will be George Washington Carver and Marie Curie. The jigsaw PSHE scheme enables us to discuss ‘being me in the world’ and ‘Celebrating difference’. In Music the Charanga scheme focuses on singing, rhythm and percussion. We will also begin learning Spanish by exploring how to say hello, through songs and games. The Artist spotlights of Leonardo De Vinci where we will be creating landscape drawings using pencil sketch techniques and Romero Britto to paint pictures of boats form part of out topic learning. In addition, there will be a morning of P.E. focusing on Personal fitness using Challenges, Tag Rugby and gymnastics and an afternoon of Forest school covering Design and Technology and fieldwork skills.

The next steps…

During the Autumn term we shared baseline data and targets in reading, writing and maths for your child via remote family conversations. Pupil Progress meetings are taking place with staff and end of term data is being collected, analysed and used to inform planning.

We will share progress updates next term along with any revised targets to support your child in the term ahead.

If you have any questions please email Mrs Stiles on

Learn Grow Achieve
