
School Announcements

Learn Grow Achieve ~ Follow us on Instagram & Twitter @wolverley_SAET ~ Wolverley Sebright Nursery call 01562 850268 for more details ~ Wrap Around Call 07771 848288 to secure your place ~ If you wish to visit our school and see it in action please call 01562 850268 to arrange a time.
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Welcome to Swallows 


Anglo-Saxons - Spring Term

Our next topic this year is Anglo-Saxons.  This will see us covering both geography and history based and will again link to much of our curriculum timetable.  In science we are learning about materials. In English we are looking at historical fiction and poetry, starting off by using the text Beowulf by Michael Morpurgo, then moving onto Anglo-Saxon Boy by Tony Bradman.  Fridays will see us using Scratch and making our own games.

Ancient Greece - Autumn/Spring Term

Our next topic this year is Ancient Greece.  This is a history based topic that will again run through our whole curriculum timetable.  In science we are learning about forces moving onto materials. In English we are looking at myths and legends, starting off by using the text Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Frank Rick Riordan, then moving onto Ancient Greek myths.  In art we are creating Greek vases and mosaics.  Fridays will see us getting outside making shelters and exploring social skills in forest school.

Space - Autumn Term

Our first topic this year is space!  This is a science based topic that will run through our whole curriculum timetable.  In science we will learn about the planets,  how the moon moves around the earth and why we have day and night.  In English we will be looking at non fiction writing through the study of Tim Peak and fiction using the text Cosmic by Frank Cottrell-Boyce.  In art we are creating Alexander Calder inspired, space themed, mobiles.

Key Information



PE will be on Monday afternoon with Mr McDonnell.  Children will need suitable kit and footwear to be ready for indoor and outdoor sessions every week due to the changeability of the weather.  These should be kept in the children’s lockers, along with school bags and coats, unless wet. 


Weekly maths and English homework will be set on a Thursday and will need to be returned by the following Tuesday.  Friday is a good day for children or parents to ask about anything that they are unsure about.

In addition to this there will be topic homework. This will usually be in the form of a project and may be set over several weeks rather than a new task weekly.

Daily 5

There will be spellings and times tables set each week.  These are part of the Daily 5 which involves 5 minutes each of:

Reading  Varying texts and collecting readathon points and certificates

Spellings  To improve word knowledge, spelling and prepare for the weekly test

TT Rockstars   To increase speed and accuracy of x tables



Class Photographs

Thumper visit


Odd Socks Day

Learn Grow Achieve
