One more week to go.... before a break.
For this final week before the break, lets see what we can achieve.
Keep having a go at the BBC Bitesize activities and we can now access the White Rose materials for Maths through our membership. If you can't find the video, please let me know via email or the google stream.
I have suggested that you create your own shop using real money, providing your adults don't mind. we had great fun setting up items to buy and pricing them up. Then family members came to buy what they liked. We had to calculate how much they had spent and how much change they needed. Lots of practical maths!
Keep going with the paper packs. There is an activity all about the garden birds that we see outdoors. Let me know what birds you have seen on the google classroom. Has anyone heard the cuckoo yet this spring, I heard one on Kinver Edge yesterday. Does anyone know how they care for their young chicks?
Can you compose your own rhythm music piece using anything around the house, have fun making sounds with the garden hose, or watering can, saucepan lids and wooden spoons. Can you repeat it back and remember it? Can you present it to an audience? Can you record it and share it on the google classroom? I can't wait to hear how you get on.
Finally in Geography find out more about where your food comes from and travels in its life time. Do you grow anything at home?
You know you can always contact me, via email if you need any help.
Mrs Stiles