
School Announcements

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Class Updates

Independent Morning Writing:


In order to begin the Reception children's

transition in to Year 1 we have started to develop their writing independence. Every morning when the children come in to School they have a picture stuck in their Writing book that they write about independently. The pictures are linked to the text that we are reading at the time so they are aware of what it is and also may have an idea of how to spell it. Through doing this it develops the children's independence, helps to develop phonic knowledge, continue to develop and secure pencil grip, develop growth mindset and stamina all ready for their next step into Year 1. 


The independence is developed through the children having to come in to the class in the  morning and get themselves settled. Each child has a mini me based on the topic we are studying, they have to come in to class and find this and then get started independently. 

Learn Grow Achieve
