
School Announcements

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Online homework

In year 6 we will continue to make use of Google Classroom and Education City for our regular homework tasks.


To access both of these platforms you will need your child's 'Wonde' password. You should already have a copy of these at home, and your child's teacher will also stick a copy in the front of your child's reading record book.


Please contact me if your child is having any problems accessing our online platforms and as we have access to IT support and will do our best to help.

Homework will be set in Maths and English and will be issued and explained on a Thursday to be completed by the following Tuesday.


Mr Price will check on Education City and Google Classroom that the homework has been completed and help if children are having any difficulties. Any children, who didn't manage to get their homework done at home, will be given the opportunity to complete it at lunch or break time.


Spellings, times tables and reading records

Every week, children will be tested on spellings on a Tuesday morning. Their spelling and tables books should be kept in their school bags so that they can practise at school and at home. We will monitor each week that children are using these books to practise (as a minimum) to learn their spellings.


All children have access to TT Rockstars and should make regular use of the website to support tables fluency each week. The table being tested will be targeted in the 'Garage' section of TT Rockstars, but general practise of all tables are available using other modes (such as studio). We will continue to target specific tables and improve fluency weekly.  


Reading records should also be kept in school bags for easy access. All children should still be reading daily, whether independently or to adults. We regularly check off Readathon points for completing books and for making use of their reading records. The reading records also offer a useful means of communication should you wish to contact us.


Learn Grow Achieve
