
School Announcements

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Wolverley Sebright Pupil Parliament

Wolverley Sebright Pupil Parliament


Prime Minister: 


Deputy Prime Minister: 


Chancellors of the Exchequers: 


Education Minister: 


Environmental Minister:


Health Ministers:


Community & Charity Ministers:


Sports Minister:


Mental Health & Wellbeing



At Wolverley Sebright we have developed and embedded an opportunity for pupils across the school to further develop their voice in how their school develops. 


The Wolverley Sebright Pupil Parliament is an elected group of ministers who take a lead on key aspects of the school. 


The Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister have formed a cabinet which includes Ministers for Environment, Health, Sports and Education. We also have two Chancellors who will keep a watchful eye over effective spending of the Sports and Pupil Premium funding. They will also review Catch up Funding and Recovery Funding allocated to the School. 


Each member of our Parliament will take a lead on policy and practice including the review of the Behaviour, Curriculum and the development of the new Relationships Education Policy. 


Who better to shape our school then pupils who have the views of all pupils? 


Watch this space for updates over this year.



  • Elections take place in July to decide the Pupil Parliament for the subsequent academic year 


  • The first meeting with the Queen takes place to assemble the new cabinet 




  • The pupils are elected into the Wolverley Sebright Pupil Parliament  with their term of office lasting one school year. 


  • Pupils in Year 3-5 can shadow Parliament in a Junior Ministers role.  


  • The Cabinet devises their manifesto in order to share with all pupils.




  • Black History Month workshops - pupil voice 


November 2022


  • Remembrance Assembly 




  • Christmas Carol Concert 
  • Christmas Fair 






SAET Student Council


Wolverley Sebright Primary Academy Student  Ambassadors

Jack and Luke 

Learn Grow Achieve
