
School Announcements

Learn Grow Achieve ~ Follow us on Instagram & Twitter @wolverley_SAET ~ Wolverley Sebright Nursery call 01562 850268 for more details ~ Wrap Around Call 07771 848288 to secure your place ~ If you wish to visit our school and see it in action please call 01562 850268 to arrange a time.
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Our Timetable:


This will be flexible and allow for our recovery curriculum to fully embed.

Summer 2021


I have attached our weekly timetable, to help guide you with forest school and P.E. days. Children should come dressed for these days rather than in school uniform.


Our summer term begins with ‘The Spanish Armada’ topic followed by ‘Wild Weather’. 


We will have daily Maths and English lessons in the mornings. These will include handwriting practice, daily reading with a buddy and reading aloud to the teacher, spelling repetition, comprehensions understanding and guided reading, focused writing following a genre and grammar learning. Times table teaching and practice, calculation consolidation and the use of IT to review and vary our learning. 


The afternoons will be Forest schools, Science, P.E., Topic, Music and PSHE.


We shall be continuing with ‘Fantastic Friday’ where we shall be exploring Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) challenges, offering a practical element to learning.


We shall also be including wonder days to include Art, Spanish, R.E. and Maths. 

Forest School

Woodpecker's forest school day will be a Monday afternoon. On this day please send your child in dressed in clothes and footwear appropriate for playing in the forest and getting muddy. They will need to be in long trousers and long sleeved tops to prevent any stings/scratches. They will also need to wear clothing appropriate for the season and weather, with wellies in a plastic bag, trainers to wear for the remainder of the day, waterproof coats, sun cream and a sun hat for hot days. 

Please ensure any wellie boots are brought into school in a named bag which your child will keep safe on his / her peg during the morning. These items will be returned home at the end of the day.



Woodpeckers will be doing PE on a Wednesday afternoon with Mr McDonnell and Mrs Latty. They must come to school dressed in their outdoor P.E. kit. With shorts, jogging bottoms , P.E. top and a blue hoodie. Long hair must be tied up on PE days and earrings either left safe at home or covered with tape.

Learn Grow Achieve
