
School Announcements

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Welcome to Owls


Our class has the oldest children in the school: years 5 and 6. The adults in our class include Mr Price, Mrs Valentine, Mrs Brown and Mrs Hall (who teaches Spanish and R.E. on Monday afternoons) and Mr McDonnell (who teaches P.E. on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons).

Year 6 tile making

Frank Chapman final letter- includes kit list and general info (sent out last week)

Ye-Ha Costume suggestions

Allotment club - where to find us

 To get to the allotment, simply go up Fairfield lane from the main Franche Rd (A4190) and follow it out past the houses until you get to the first field. This is the allotment on your right and you will be able to drive straight in as there is hardcore and parking spaces.

Cleaning the pond out

Mystic music of the Maya

Ancient Mayan clay flutes re-created by Rey Ortega. Performing in Akumal, Quintana Roo Mexico with flutes made using traditional building and firing techniques. Rey is available for performance in the US. and Mexico.

Wolverley tag rugby team

Solar Eclipse!


We have been learning about light in science this last half term and on Friday the 20th of March at approx 9:35am we will experience a solar eclipse in England.


You may want to create a pin-hole viewer to enjoy this rare event. Here are some links below with instructions for making a viewer to see the eclipse safely (without hurting your eyes).







Homework project due for completion on 16th March

Owls 2014-2015

Changes and notices concerning homework setting


Homework should not be taking children longer than 1 hour per piece set (i.e. 1hr for Literacy and 1hr for maths each weekend). If homework is taking an excessive amount of time, please get parents/carers to write a brief note once you have worked on the task, to show that the full task has been attempted.


Government advice suggests half an hour, every day for years 5+6. Therefore, with spellings and tables revision each week, we do not expect that children should be spending entire weekends on the homework. Booster for year 6 is in addition to the normal work and is only suggested to help in the run-up to SATs.


Homework will now be set each week on a Friday, instead of on a Thursday. Homework will need to be handed in on a Tuesday (this will give you the Monday if you are unsure about your homework or need to check any issues with me). You will be tested, and receive new spellings and times tables, on a Friday also.


It is your responsibility to make sure homework is completed, but I am happy for your family to help you. If you are having difficulty with your homework, or have not been able to do it for exceptional reasons, please speak to me about it. I would rather see evidence that you have tried and been unsuccessful than nothing at all in your homework books! It is really important you make time for homework and learning your spellings and tables.

Halloween pumpkins designed by Owls!!



P.E. will be taught each week on a Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon. It will alternate between indoor and outdoor sessions depending on weather so always bring suitable kit for both.


Remember to bring jumpers or jackets in colder weather. A note from home is needed if you are unable to participate for any reason.

Year 6 buddies with Hedgehog's class

Goodnight Mr Tom and Carrie's War DVD permission

Learn Grow Achieve
