Summer term topics:
The topics for the Spring term will be ‘All Aboard!’ and ‘Wild Weather.’
All Aboard!
The focus of the topic will be looking at vehicles and transport. The topic will cover many areas of The National Curriculum and will give the children a cross curricular approach to their learning. This will include:
English – we will be exploring wordless book ‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker and creating setting descriptions using the magnificent images from the text. There will also be instructional writing, following on from our DT project. We will be reading ‘Grandpa’s Great Escape’ as our whole class text.
Science – We will be becoming ‘Energy Experts’ and finding out all about renewable energy, and how we can ‘Switch Off’ to help the planet.
DT – we will carry out a project where children design and make their own moving vehicles after reading the book ‘All Kinds of Cars’.
Music – this will focus on Rock Music with Miss Childs
History – this will focus on the development of transport throughout history, using timelines and making comparisons between old and new forms of transport. This will include Viking travel, invention of cars, trains and aeroplanes.
The second part of the Spring Term will be learning about space and space explorers.
English – our texts will be ‘Man on the Moon’ by Simon Bartram ‘Here we are’ by Oliver Jeffers and ‘Beegu’ by Alex Deacon. We will be creating and describing settings, aliens and writing our own stories.
Science – This will be a biology focus looking at plants, sorting and classifying plants and then going on to learning what plants need to grow and planting and monitoring the growth our own bulbs and seeds.
DT – a project where children design and make their own fruit smoothies and look at where food comes from.
Music - focusing on Reggae style music with Miss Childs.
Art and Design – we will be looking at landscapes and focusing on Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’.
History – looking at the history of space exploration with a focus on Neil Armstrong.