Summer Term 2: Kings and Queens
When and why did we create the British Empire?
This half term we are starting with a history focus: When and why did we create the British Empire? Below is a list of our main focus in some of our curriculum areas:
- In writing: dramatic structures, letter writing, persuasive writing and balanced arguments
- Through our reading of Macbeth, we will focus on comprehension and performance skills
- Maths topics of revision and investigations which encourage application of skills to real world scenarios
- Our science will consolidate our learning and target investigations
- Design technology project entitled ‘Come dine with me: creating a three-course meal’
- Computing: Microbits: a programming and sensing unit
- Music: End of year production: Shakespeare Rocks!
- PE: Athletics and sports day preparation
- PSHE: Changing Me: A sex education unit which covers puberty and relationships
- RE enquiry: How do inspirational people impact on how Humanists live today?
Class text and English focus
We will be using different versions of the text Macbeth by William Shakespeare. A pdf copy of the texts is available for pupils to follow along in class. Children may wish to have their own copies of the text, but it is not required.
Summer Term 1: Mother Earth
Why is Climate Change such an important topic?
This half term we are starting with a geography focus: Why is climate change such an important topic? Below is a list of our main focus in some of our curriculum areas:
- In writing: narrative study skills, debates and explanations, reading and responding to poetry and SATs revision
- Through our reading of Shackleton’s Journey, we will focus on comprehension skills
- Maths topics of statistics, shape & geometry and revision
- Our science topic is Evolution and Inheritance
- Art project entitled ‘Painting and Mixed Media’ and artist study
- Computing: Data and Information: spreadsheets for year 6
- Music: Music and Me with the theme of identity
- PE: Net and Wall Games@ Volleyball & Striking and Fielding games
- PSHE: Relationships including mental health, love and loss, power and control and online safety
- RE enquiry: How is the Qur’an vital to Muslims today?
Class text and English focus
We will be using the text Shackleton’s Journey by William Grill and This Book is not Rubbish: 50 ways to ditch plastic, ditch rubbish and save the world! Isabel Thomas & Alex Patterson. A pdf copy of Shackleton’s Journey is available for pupils to follow along in class. Children may wish to have their own copies of the text, but it is not required.
Spring term topic 2: The World Around Us
How do maps help us to find our way around?
This half term we are starting with a geography focus: How do maps help us to find our way around? Below is a list of our main focus in some of our curriculum areas:
- In writing: non-fiction discussion writing and creative writing making our own information texts, using our class text Monsterology as a model to base our work on
- Through our reading of Monsterology and Dragonology, we will focus on comprehension skills and expanding our vocabulary
- Maths topics will include decimals; area, perimeter and volume; and statistics
- Our science work will focus on our invesitgations and famous scientists
- DT project entitled Playgrounds:structures
- PSHE focus: Healthy Me
- Computing: Programming - variables in games
- Spanish will link with our PSHE focus and is also about healthy lifestyles
- In preparation for the Easter service, we will be rehearsing our hymns and readings for music
- RE enquiry: Is Christianity still a strong religion over 2000years after Jesus was on Earth?
Spring term topic: Legacy and Empires - Windrush
This half term we are starting with a history focus: What has been the impact of immigration on Britain over the past 100 years? Below is a list of our main focus in some of our curriculum areas:
- In writing: narrative techniques, including tension and suspense; creating information texts linked to our history topic; and formal discussion texts including balanced arguments
- Through our reading of The Boy at the Back of the Class, we will focus on comprehension skills
- Maths topics of ratio, algebra and decimals
- Our science topic is Light and our famous scientist is Isaac Newton
- Art project entitled ‘Making Memories’ using sculpture
- PSHE focus: Dreams and Goals
- Computing: Computing systems and networks – how we communicate effectively online
- Music: Happy – A New Year Carol with the theme of Benjamin Britten’s Music and cover versions
- RE enquiry: Is anything ever eternal?
Class text and English focus
We will be using the text The Boy at the Back of the Class for our shared class read. A pdf copy of the first half of the text is available on the Google Classroom, but some children may prefer to have their own copies, especially if they wish to read the rest of the book beyond what we read together in school.
Autumn term topic 2: Significant People and Events
This half term we are starting with a geography focus What was the impact of the two World Wars on Britain? Below is a list of our main focus in some of our curriculum areas:
Class text and English focus
We will be using the text Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo for our shared class read. A pdf copy of the text is available on the Google Classroom, but some children may prefer to have their own copies of the text.
Autumn term 1 topic: Location, Location, Location!
This half term we are starting with a geography focus North America: What do we know about North America and what are its main geographical features? Below is a list of our main focus in some of our curriculum areas:
- In writing: fiction genres, recounts, poetry (vocabulary building)
- Through our reading of Holes by Louis Sachar, we will focus on fluency (automaticity, accuracy and prosody)
- Consolidate yr5 Grammar knowledge
- Maths will begin with place value and the four operations
- In science, biology – living things and habitats
- Drawing topic: Make my voice heard: street art
- PSHE focus: Being Me in the World
- Computing: Creating Media - web page creation
- Music: Happy - being happy
- X country and Dance
Class text and English focus
We will be using the text Holes by Louis Sachar for our shared class read. A pdf copy of the text is available on the Google Classroom, but some children may prefer to have their own copies of the text – whilst there is a film version available, please encourage children not to watch this just yet as we will build up to it and it may cause confusion.