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Music Tuition letter about instruments, terms & conditions etc.

Severn Arts January 2022 Risk Assessment

Severn Arts Risk Assessment November 2021

Severn Arts Risk Assessment 17th May 2021

SevernArts Risk Assessment 12th April 2021

Music Tuition 


Dear Parents of music pupils 


Thank you for continuing with music tuition or for signing up your son/daughter to start tuition. 


Tuition will take place in our brand new purpose built music room! 


Please note the following:- 

Drum tuition will run on a Wednesday morning; 

Guitar tuition on a Wednesday morning;

Ukulele tuition on a Wednesday morning;

Keyboard tuition on a Tuesday morning; and 

Violin tuition on a Tuesday morning. 


We have a drum kit & keyboards in school for pupils to use.  


You have been advised already about purchasing, & your child bringing, in guitars, ukuleles & violins and pupils taking part in drum lessons will need to bring in their own drum sticks. 


Please ensure instruments and drum sticks are brought in every week for their lesson. If you need any advice upon the purchase of instruments, sizing etc, please let me know & I will seek advice from the SevernArts tutors. 


Payments will be uploaded to Parentpay on a termly basis for payment within 7 days please. If you have any problems, please contact Mrs Hackett in the school office. 


Otherwise, if you have any queries or questions, please email


Many thanks 


Mrs Anna Hackett 


Risk Assessment from SevernArts updated 4th March 2021

Update on Music Tuition March 8th 2021 


Dear Parents 


The School have decided that face to face music tuition will now start during the Summer term,  week beginning the 19th April. Until then Severn Arts will continue to provide online tutoring to the parents who have requested it already for their child/ren, see information below. 


If you have not signed up to online tutoring but wish to do so, please let me know in the school office and I can arrange this for you. 


Please note that from 8th March, as tutors will also be conducting face to face tuition in the schools that have requested it, SevernArts seem to think that online tutoring may be conducted out of school hours. 


Please let me know if you would like any further information or if you would like to sign your child up to online music tuition before face to face starts. 


Many thanks 


Kind regards 


Anna Hackett 

Office Manager 

Lockdown 3.0 January 2021


Dear Parent 
Please see below information from Severn Arts who supply our music tuition. If you wish to access online lessons, kindly let me know and I will contact Severn Arts on your behalf. Please note that charges will be the same as if your child was in school at  £6.50 per lesson. 
Subject: Severn Arts Music Provision Spring Term 2021

Dear Head Teacher, Head of Music, Music Coordinator,


In light of the government announcement last Monday evening that all schools must close to pupils other than those of keyworkers and vulnerable pupils, I would like to update you on Severn Arts position over the coming weeks.


In order to maintain continuity for your instrumental students during this period of school closure, we are pleased to be able to offer the option of live online weekly lessons. If you would like your students to access online lessons please fill in the attached spreadsheet and return to severnarts and we will set up the lessons directly with the parents/carers as soon as possible. Please make your parents/carers aware that their information will be shared with Severn Arts. I attach the Severn Arts guidelines for online lessons.


Please let us know if there is any other support that would be helpful for you and your students at this time.


Kind regards




Debbie Fawcett

Director of Learning

Severn Arts

Severn Arts Guidelines for Online lessons throughout Lockdown 3.0 January 2021

Music Tuition 


If you wish to sign your child up to music tuition, please read the letter below regarding terms & conditions of Severn Arts, costings and instruments etc. and then contact the school office on 


Many thanks 


Mrs Hackett

Severn Arts Risk Assessment re Covid pandemic

Drum tuition November 2020 


Your child had their drum lesson today and I've been informed by their tutor, Mr Randle, that they will need to bring in their own drum sticks from next week due to Covid measures. They will not be allowed to share drum sticks. 


The tutor has advised that for Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 children they will need to purchase drum sticks at size 5A and the younger children, Years 1 & 2 a size 7A should be suitable. 


He recommended the brand 'Nova' and said that these are reasonably cheap but are good quality and can be purchased off Amazon. 


If you need any further information or guidance, please let me know and I will speak with Severn Arts 

Learn Grow Achieve
