
School Announcements

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Updates from Class Teacher

Home Learning.


We are all trying to get used to this new normal in our lives, as a parent I to am experiencing this for the first time, and I don't mind admitting that its quite scary!


I have put together a few guidelines for us all to follow in my household, and am happy to share them with you, if you wish to follow them also you are very welcome.


 < By 9am be up, washed, dressed ready to start work.

 < No PS4, kindle, Xbox, ipad's unless being used for school work until school day has finished.

 < At least one outside experience each day, walk, play in the garden.

 < At least one hour of English and Maths a day.

 < Have a reading book, or magazine to read if you want something different to do.

 < No one is forcing you to do anything, but adults are happy to help. Look after them and they will look after you.

 < What will be our reward as a family?


We are all trying our best, so be kind to each other.

I am here to advise as I can, just email me.


Best Wishes


Mrs Stiles

Home Learning Pack


The home learning pack is tailored to the child's learning needs and abilities. It has activities, games, work booklets and instructions for each section, for you to work through with your child at their pace.


If your child is receiving intervention for any additional support, they will also have activities to continue with these, where possible.



  • Times tables leaflets for x2-x12 with games and activities to practice them.
  • TT Rockstars practice sheets
  • Worksheets covering curriculum as a review.
  • Games and puzzles to aid problem solving and reasoning of maths.


English: Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar:

  • Spelling sheets, for daily practise
  • Grammar focus on suffixes following spelling pattern
  • Worksheets on speech and adverbials.


English: Writing:

  • Harry Potter guided reading class text. Please read a chapter at a time and complete the writing activities which accompany it. The summary and what happens next, character identification and reading aloud, have been focuses for this term in class.
  • Refugee camp writing worksheet could be a great discussion point.
  • Autobiography writing worksheet could be a great discussion point.


English: Reading:

  • Harry Potter guided reading book. Please read with your child, at their pace.
  • Comprehension questions and reading on: Pet care, Roahl Dahl, Sun safety, Football


  • Healthy living and digestion worksheets and activities
  • Please spend some time looking at food labels, identifying what food are healthy and which are treats, and discussing why we eat what we do.



  • Learning focus note on what to cover
  • World map to annotate
  • Compass points worksheet and activities
  • Practical ideas to try


Don’t forget our Kingfishers Photographic competition. There will be prizes for the winners after Easter. The rules are that only Kingfishers can take the photos and they must be of nature. This can (include pets, our gardens).


Also children can use google docs to make an information booklet. Save it to their names folder in Kingfishers folder.


Try google slides to make a powerpoint. Save it into a the class folder to share with Mrs Stiles.


Thank you for your understanding, please email me if you need any help.


Best Wishes


Mrs Stiles, Mrs Cadwallader

School timetable to guide home learning.

Having asked the children they would like to have the chance to create some of these, if you can achieve them at home please share some pictures of your achievements.

Learn Grow Achieve
