Dear parents,
I hope you are all well and that the children are feeling supported with our distanced learning. I am writing to update you on our class timetable for the coming weeks, including regular time slots for video meetings.
Session 1 |
Session 2 |
Session 3 |
Monday |
English |
Maths |
Topic: Industrial Revolution |
Tuesday |
Maths |
PE |
Wednesday |
English |
Maths |
Spanish, computing or RE |
Thursday |
English |
Maths |
Forest School Science: body circulation, lifestyle and nutrition |
Friday |
English |
Maths |
Art and D.T. One Big Idea sessions |
Distance learning
I will be providing children with 3 sessions each day which I will share before 9am and children are encouraged to try to keep pace with the learning and make sure they let me know if they need any additional explanation or support.
Optional extensions will be made available and I have shared additional resources on the school website under ‘Remote learning’ on our class page (Swallows).
Video Calls
Our class will video call twice a day. Once at 9am until roughly 9.15 and our second Google Meet will take place from 12 until 12:15pm. These sessions will primarily be to explain the learning; share any updates; and troubleshoot any problems children may have as well as a general chance to see one another and offer that social interaction.
Although attendance is encouraged (they seem to enjoy seeing one another and it’s helping to establish a nice routine), I will try to post video recordings of each meeting on the Google Classroom for children to access in case they miss it.
Drop in sessions
Immediately following the 9am Meet call, I will leave the call open (normally until around 10.30am) for children to 'drop in' and check any of their learning with me. They will just need to click on the link from the stream to access my support. A second drop in session will be available from roughly 11.15am until 11.45am (times are approximate, but I will try to keep as close to them as possible).
Mrs Valentine is hosting a weekly drop in session on Monday afternoon and Thursday morning following the Google Meet call at 9pm. These sessions will run from 9.30-10.30am and are general chat sessions (children may just wish to say hello, talk about things they are looking forward to or worried about, or just read to an adult).
Remote Learning Books
School have contacted you to offer blank exercise books for the children to work in whilst they access the learning. These will prove useful when children are completing work which would be easier done by hand than on a computer. Math’s, in particular, will make use of these books as some documents (such as pdfs) are difficult to type on and children will find it easier to record answers in their books.
Key workers
Can children attending school in person on Tuesdays, please make sure that they arrive at school in suitable pe kit, thank you. We may make use of the forest school site in future sessions, but this will be communicated in advance.
Thank you
The first weeks of remote learning have been remarkably smooth in year 5 and that is testament to the brilliant attitude of the children who have really impressed me with their independence, hard work and amazing attitudes. The work they are sending is of such a good quality and their interactions online are really positive.
Thank you, to you, the parents for the hard work you are doing to support at home at this difficult time.
Mr Price
For other general school queries you can also contact
Mrs Churchard -
Mrs Hackett -
Our SAET IT Team have also set up support for our remote families for technical IT issues.
Tel: 01562 542575 (7:30am - 6:00pm)
Please have your child's username or password ready and inform the IT team which school your child attends.