
School Announcements

Learn Grow Achieve ~ Follow us on Instagram & Twitter @wolverley_SAET ~ Wolverley Sebright Nursery call 01562 850268 for more details ~ Wrap Around Call 07771 848288 to secure your place ~ If you wish to visit our school and see it in action please call 01562 850268 to arrange a time.
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Hedgehogs weekly lesson overview 



Each day in Hedgehogs we begin our morning by doing our register and we then go into our phonics lessons. We currently split the class into 2 groups whereby 1 group is working with Miss Smith and the other group is with Mrs Latty doing some listening games and Maths input. The groups then swap over before it is time for lunch. We learn 2 new sounds each week and have 2 lessons on each sound and then have the remaining day as a consolidation lesson. We will send worksheets home at the end of each week based on the corresponding sounds we have been focusing on that week. 



Each day we also have whole class Maths input sessions where we follow a scheme called White Rose Maths. The content that is taught in this whole class input is then built on during the continuous provision that is set out for the children to explore. 


Rainbow Challenges 

Each week during the continuous provision sessions the children are set different challenges to complete. There are different challenges each week, writing, maths, construction, creative and role play. Once they have completed the challenge they get to put their own rainbow sticks of the corresponding colour in to their cup. If all challenges are completed by the end of the week there is a reward. 









During this term Hedgehogs will have PE on Tuesday mornings with Miss Smith where will be developing throwing and catching skills and spatial awareness and co- ordination. Last half term we asked the children in the first half of the register to come to school in their uniform and get themselves changed for PE. These children are now able to do this independently so we ask that all children now come in their uniform on a Tuesday with their PE kit or it can be left at school. We will help support get them changed into their PE kit and then back into their uniform at the end of the day. 


Forest School

Forest school will be on Mondays. Please send children into school wearing old clothes on that day. Please ensure wellies are in school and on the rack. 


The children will continue to have fruit, milk and toast for morning snack. We ask for a voluntary contribution of 50 pence per week to cover costs. You can bring in a fruit based snack to supplement morning fruit too if you like, ie frubes, breakfast bars etc Please ensure there are no crisps or chocolate bars, thank you. 

Learn Grow Achieve
