
School Announcements

Learn Grow Achieve ~ Follow us on Instagram & Twitter @wolverley_SAET ~ Wolverley Sebright Nursery call 01562 850268 for more details ~ Wrap Around Call 07771 848288 to secure your place ~ If you wish to visit our school and see it in action please call 01562 850268 to arrange a time.
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Wolverley Sebright Nursery

Welcome to Wolverley Sebright Nursery... 


At Wolverley Sebright Nursery we strive to work in partnership with parents and carers to encourage independent, happy learners who thrive in school and reach their full potential.


In our Nursery we aim to create a safe and secure environment where children’s natural creativity and curiosity can flourish, alongside the acquisition of skills and knowledge. We provide indoor and outdoor environments which support learning and enable children to develop skills, attitudes and understanding that will form the basis of lifelong learning.


Through the 7 areas of learning we provide topics that excite and engage children, building on their own interest and varied experiences, and developing their experiences of the world around them.


The Development Matters document and the Foundation Stage ELGs (Early Learning Goals) set out the end of Early Years expectations for children. We prepare the children to reach the ELGs and ensure they make good progress from their starting points.



The 4 principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage


  • A unique child. Every child is a unique child who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self assured.


  • Positive relationships. Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.


  • Enabling environments. This recognises the key role a child’s environments play in supporting and extending their development and learning


  • Learning and development. Children learn and develop in different ways with all  areas of learning interconnected and equally important.




Learn Grow Achieve
