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Curriculum Overview

Summer Term Topics


Earthquakes and Volcanoes followed by Tudor Theatre


Using the texts below as stimulus for our topics

Earthquakes and Volcanoes

Our Summer term will begin with a topic about Earthquakes and volcanoes, where we will look at how the world is made and what happens on land as the materials move and change over time. We will revise our knowledge of rocks and soils during science investigations and also learn about magnets and their properties. We will be continuing to visit the Forest school weekly and use this time to focus on our geography skills using compasses and drawing maps.


The guided reading books for the term are information text about earthquakes and volcanoes, along with the information text ‘Rocks in a flash’ by Geoigia Amsun-Bradshaw followed by the story Escape from Pompeii by Christina Balit, Poetry Pie Roger McGough, We will use our research to write an information leaflet and then include facts in a set of diary entries. Following our emersion in poetry we will write our own. We will be reviewing our maths knowledge so far regarding fractions and then move on to exploring telling the time. If your child could wear a watch for the term this would help them, please can it not take photos.

After the half term break we will be focusing on……


Tudor Theatre

This second term will focus on the Tudor in period in history focusing on what life was like and how people enjoyed any limited spare time by visiting the theatre. We will look at the Shakespearean play ‘A midsummer night’s dream’ and the characters in it. We will then develop our quest story writing skills having looked at the guided reading book ‘Arthur and the golden rope’ by Joe Todd Stanton. I’m sure we will write some amazing story examples ourselves and share these with you on Seesaw.


In maths we will focus on shapes, particularly angles and accurate drawing on horizontal, vertical parallel and perpendicular lines, then looking at the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. The term finishes by looking at mass and capacity where we will use our forest school time to measure outdoor.

Spring Term Topics:


Beginning with: 'Ancient Egypt', then following with 'Australia' after the break.


Using the texts below as stimulus for our topics:



We will be using our senses to write poetry about a river and the journey you can take along it, having studied 'a River' by Marc martin. We will add our knowledge learned about the water cycle, in Science to add details and facts. We will also be creating an image of a river using sewing skills and textile printing as our D.T. focus. 


Following this we will be using the traditional tale of Cinderella as a basis to write our own version, after reading 'Cinderella down the Nile'. The book: 'the Lions Slave' will be explored during our guided reading sessions focusing on the VIPERS reading comprehension skills.


During the term we will explore the history of Ancient Egypt and all its mysteries, we will also find out its location in the world and locate key geographical features on a world map. 


Math's lessons will cover money, and statistics using real life examples from our lives. E-safety Day and a themed session about the brave people in history will allow a PSHE focus.


Fantastic Fridays will focus on learning how to say spanish numbers, developing our music techniques using glockenspiels, reviewing our friendships with each other and the wider world, and enjoying creative time together.

After the break a topic about 'Australia' will allow us to focus on a geographical global environmental issue looking at the great barrier reef. We will use the book 'Wonder garden' to explore 5 key habitats around the world and discuss how humans have impacted these areas. 


We will travel around the world, as the Grandad did in the guided reading text: 'Matchbox Diaries'. We will make our own match box using the net of a cuboid, then fill it with our own special objects.


Math's learning will focus on length and perimeter and fractions of shapes, as well as developing our confidence knowing the 3, 4, 8 and 11 times tables.



Autumn Term Topics:

We start with a topic all about: 'Principles of Diversity'.


We shall be exploring what makes us special and unique and how we celebrate this and share together to learn from each other as well as from the world around us, in nature and in our communities.



Using the reading texts as a learning framework, we will begin with: the Paper Bag Prince by Colin Thompson, where we learn about someone who views life in a special way and celebrates the natural environment around him. This will be explored in more detail through PSHE.


Following this we will study the book: Anthology of Intriguing Animals by Ben Hoare, which celebrates animals from the natural world through sharing information and pictures. This closely links to our Science learning of classification, diversity and adaptations in nature. It will also be the stimulus for our Art through the artists Dominique Salm.


Our Guided Reading stimulus will be extracts from the Book of Hopes by Katherine Rundell, which was written and complied by 100 children’s authors and illustrators during the recent Covid-19 Lockdown, exploring how we can cope with change and uncertainty.


We will be focusing on the area of place value and calculation methods, using problem solving, reasoning and discussion to aid our understanding and gain confidence by sharing our learning with a class buddy.


Our times table knowledge and skills are developed as we learn these through song and games. Firstly we will revisit the 2x, 5x and 10x then move onto the 3x and 4x.


We shall be focusing on classification in the natural world exploring how we can separate things and combine them into groups with similar features. Then we shall explore any adaptations to their natural environment and why they live where they do.


We use investigations to develop our science skills and use questioning to discuss what we have learned. 


PSHE and Art will be woven into the topic, along with History and Geography. We will also begin learning Spanish by exploring how to say hello, through songs and games. Much of this will be covered during our 'Fantastic Friday's', which finishes the week of learning.


We will also have P.E. and a Forest school afternoon, where we use the outdoor classroom to learn and our friends to support us.

Following the half term break our Topic will be: Stone Age to Iron Age.


This is a fascinating time in history and will allow us to explore how we live our modern lives compared to past generations. It's quite incredible what they achieved with limited resources and technology.


Our term starts with a history themed week looking at 'Women in History'. The book we shall be exploring is 'Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World'.


Following this we will focus on 'Iron Man' by Ted Hughes, then 'The Snowman' updated by Michael Morpurgo. 


For guided reading we shall be investigating the book 'Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura.


We will continue with our work on calculations looking in more detail at subtraction methods, including the use of problem solving and reasoning. We shall also be developing our times table knowledge of the 4 times table.


Learn Grow Achieve
