Summer term: World War 1 and 2
The topic will study the history of World War One and World War Two, looking at fascinating subjects such as evacuation; causes and outcomes around the conflicts; and research into key figures from the period such as Anne Frank.
Children have been set a short flip learning task to prepare themselves for the new topic on the Google Classroom, which I have asked them to complete during the Easter holidays to help prepare and enthuse them for their new topic.
We will be reading the absolutely brilliant text, Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian. If children would like to bring their own copies of the text to school with them, it may help them access the text more easily in class (paper copies will always be provided where needed). We will watch the DVD during our learning, but children may enjoy the text more if this is saved for later in the topic. A pdf of the text is available on our Google Classroom page.
Spring term topic
During the spring term, we will be working with a focus on the Industrial Revolution in Britain, particularly in terms of trade and transport.
Our class text for the spring term will be Street Child by Berlie Doherty. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find a pdf version of this text, therefore you may wish to purchase children their own copies to use in class and to read at home. The story will be the stimulus for much of our English work and will deepen children's understanding of our topic as well.
I Wonder
For the second half term our new topic will be The Victorians. We aim to focus on different aspects of this historical period, but with a particular focus on colonialism.
Our class text remain Wonder by R.J. Palacio and children still have access to both the digital text and Youtube read-along versions to aid their studies.