
School Announcements

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Wonde Information

What is Wonde?

Wonde is an online service that we use to link logins and passwords together under a  single account for each child. Every child has a Wonde account with an individual username and password. This should save children from having to remember multiple passwords and allow them to use any of the resources school recommend from a single web page.


How to access

Search the internet for the term 'Wonde' and begin logging in by searching for your school and then entering your login details (all children know their logins and have physical copies inside their home-learning packs).


Once you're logged in

Children will see a group of icons, which they can follow to access different websites and resources.

Many are just links to other websites, but offer instant login without entering a separate password (Education City and TT Rockstars are examples of this).

Other icons take the children to Google services such as Docs (Google's version of Word); Drive (the area where work is saved and children can access their own - and other's - work); and Classroom, which is similar to a forum that is only accessible to those who have been invited i.e. teachers and students.


Having trouble?

If you are experiencing any issues using Wonde, your first port of call should be a Google search as there are many helpful tutorials,  including videos, explaining common problems or offering solutions on how to perform certain tasks. Although I am still getting to grips with the technology myself, I am more than happy to try to help resolve any problems and offer advice where I can.


Thank you,

Mr Price 

Learn Grow Achieve
