
School Announcements

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Curriculum Overview

Summer Term Topics:

Commotion in the Ocean:


The focus of the topic will be looking at oceans and oceans life - Our key English will be 'Storm Whale' by Benji Davies. The topic will cover many areas of The National Curriculum and will give the children a cross curricular approach to their learning. This will include:


English – our English text during the topic will be ‘Storm Whale’ by Benji Davis and by the end of the unit the children will have written their own story in the first person. We will be sharing the book and making predictions and inferences based on what we have read. As part of the unit we will learn about writing expanded noun phases, adding the -ed suffix to make the past tense and punctuating different types of sentences. 


Geography - the geography focus will be learning about the 5 oceans and 7 continents of the World. 


Art – In this unit children will learn about 2 textiles techniques, weaving and wax-resist dyeing, making their own products using the techniques. Children will weave paper and other materials to create under the sea placemats. Children will then learn about the use of traditional batik in Indonesia and around the world before designing and making their own batik coasters using wax resist sticks and dye.


Music – Miss Poppitt will be teaching music to the children and will be learning a song called Imagination by Joanna Mangona and Pete Readman. The song ia all about using your imagination.


Computing – we will be learning about data handling including making pictograms and bar charts using 'j2e data.'


Science – the focus for science this half term will be plants. We will be planting different seeds and bulbs and comparing how they grow, learning about the parts of plants and identifying and sorting common, flowers, trees and vegetables. 

During the Summer term we will continue to monitor and assess pupil progress and attainment. 

End of year reports will be shared, information regarding the beginning of the next academic year will also be shared during our transitions.

Phonics Screening Check

During parents evening I will be sharing some information regarding the phonics screening check which all year 1 children across the country will be taking part in. The check will take place during the week commencing 6th June so please do you best to ensure your child is in school that week. . I have attached the parent information leaflet and a sample paper below to give you an idea of what the children will be expected to do. 

Spring term topics:

The topics for the Spring term will be ‘What makes a hero?’ and ‘Sensational Safari.’


What Makes a Hero?

The focus of the topic will be looking at superheroes - both in real life, looking at heroes in our community with all the people who help us everyday as part of their jobs and in fiction including our key English text 'Traction Man. The topic will cover many areas of The National Curriculum and will give the children a cross curricular approach to their learning. This will include:


English – we will be starting the topic exploring the book ‘Traction Man’ by Mini Grey and how to map a story, what makes a good story, retelling the story and then going on to creating their own hero character based on on of their own toys. We will also be looking at the texts 'Eliot, Midnight superhero' and 'Supertato' as well as lots of other superhero and ''talking toy' based books. 


Science – We will be studying the four seasons and looking at what changes occur across the four seasons, as well as observing and describing the weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies.


DT – we will exploring moving pictures with leavers, sliders and wheel mechanisms, and then designing and creating our own moving Traction Man picture.


Music – Miss Poppitt will be teaching music to the children and will be learning a song called In the Groove by Joanna Mangona, which is and easy-to-learn song that demonstartes different styles of music.


Computing – We will be exploring the World of digital art and its exciting range of creative tools. 


History - We will learning some amazing facts all about Florence Nightingale including why she is often called "The Lady with the Lamp" and how she showed the importance of keeping hospitals clean and having well trained nurses for treating the sick.



Sensational Safari!


English – we will be doing some animal based poetry using the the children’s poetry book ‘Rumble in The Jungle’ as well as fiction writing using the text Lila and The Secret of Rain


Science – the focus here will be on on animals and living things including the food animals eat and classifying different animals. 


Geography – we will be carrying out a study of geography in the local area and some fieldwork in the local area. We will be finding out about the continents, with a focus on Africa and then looking in greater detail at the country of Kenya and comparing and contrasting  it to our local area.


DT – we will experience a project where children design and make their own fruit smoothies and look at where food comes from.


Art – Our art will be inspired by Africa and African patterns and colours.


Music – Miss Poppitt will be teaching music to the children and will be learning a song called Round and Round by Joanna Mangona, which is a Bossa Nova Latin style song.


Computing – We will be exploring data handling using computers. 




Learn Grow Achieve
