Welcome to Owls
We are years 5 and 6 and the day to day teaching staff in this class include: Mrs Stiles, Mrs Valentine and, the class teacher, Mr Price.
Mrs Hall will take Spanish and R.E. sessions on Monday afternoons, whilst Mr Mcdonnell will be teaching P.E. on Thursday and Friday afternoons.
Our current topic is Greece and will involve lots of Geographical research tasks as well as linking into our literacy work, primarily through work around ancient Greece and via our class text: 'The Lightening Thief' which we will read together as a class.
After a busy year preparing for SATS it was wonderful to reward the children in Owls with an entertaining and tasty treat!!! The Tudor banquet was a huge success with everyone taking part and enjoying savouring the traditional tutor food and drink. As you can see from the photos we had plenty!!! You will also notice that the children had prepared for the banquet by making their own place mats and individual pictures of themselves, as well as an authentic tudor hat!
Many thanks for your kind contributions and a special thank you to the Lock Inn, Wolverley for providing the food.
Spellings at home
Given recent discussions at parents evening, and our focus on improving spellings across KS2, we have decided to send spellings home in a separate book which children have now been issued as of the start of the summer term.
Every Monday children are expected to bring their spellings book in to school with them so that we can issue new spellings - hopefully avoiding the previous issues of spellings in the Literacy homework book.
We will test children on their spellings every Monday, just before giving out the new spellings for the upcoming week. This should allow children to practice at home to bolster and reinforce the work we do in school, and will hopefully make it much easier for parents to help and monitor.
There is no set method for learning spellings, but children are advised to copy them out in the new book provided using the 'Look, cover, write, check' method.
A big, big thank you!!
Both myself, Mrs Styles and Mrs Valentine would like to say how grateful we are for the amazing gifts and cards we received over Christmas from very generous children/parents. They were very much appreciated, so again a huge thank you!!
P.E. will be run on Thursday and Friday afternoons. During these sessions Mr McDonnell and I expect all children to bring full and suitable kit for indoor and outdoor sessions as we will alternate and it is often weather dependent (sessions where kit has been forgotten will be noted as it is your responsibility now that you are in upper key stage 2).
Please remember jumpers or jackets for colder weather.
A note from home is needed if you are unable to participate for any reason.
Homework, spellings and times tables
Homework will be set each week on a Friday. Homework will need to be handed in on a Tuesday (this will give you the Monday if you are unsure about your homework or need to check any issues with me).
You will be tested, and receive new spellings and times tables, on a Monday. This year, to help with learning spellings and tables, we will be requiring you to learn them in class as well as at home. This will be explained in more detail in class.
It is your responsibility to make sure homework is completed, but I am happy for your family to help you. If you are having difficulty with your homework, or have not been able to do it for exceptional reasons, please speak to me about it. I would rather see evidence that you have tried and been unsuccessful than nothing at all in your homework books! It is really important you make time for homework and learning your spellings and tables.
Homework should not be taking children longer than 1 hour per piece set (i.e. 1hr for Literacy and 1hr for maths each weekend). If homework is taking an excessive amount of time, please get parents/carers to write a brief note in homework books once you have worked on the task, to show that the task has been attempted.
Government advice suggests half an hour, every day for years 5+6. Therefore, with spellings and tables revision each week, we do not expect that children should be spending entire weekends on the homework. Booster for year 6 is in addition to the normal work and is only suggested to help in the final years run-up to SATs.