
School Announcements

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Home Learning


Dear Woodpeckers,

Two more weeks to go....... we can so do this!!!! 
I wanted to say a huge thank you to all of you for helping and supporting with the home learning. i understand that without your input the lessons would not result in the quality work that you are all sharing with me. 
Following our terms topic of Food and Farming i have uploaded the BBC Documentary series This Farming Life from iplayer. It is on at 8pm before the watershed, however I am aware that it is on for 1 hour and is very informative. I will leave it up to your discretion whether you feel it is appropriate for your child to watch, it celebrates modern farming methods with some lovely scenery in Scotland and the Lake District, perhaps you could watch it together?
In addition next week's science has a cooking theme, again, if you can take control of the practical that would be great. I just felt that we couldn't end a topic about food without trying to cook something!
Please keep me posted on how things are going at home, I miss everyone, and am looking forward to being all back together as soon as it is safe to do so.
Best wishes

Everyday Activities that count as home learning

I hope you are all well and that the children are feeling supported with our distanced learning. I am writing to update you on our class timetable for the coming weeks, including regular time slots for video meetings, which till take place:

Monday to Thursday English at 11am,

Monday to Wednesday Newsround discussion at 2pm and

Friday's at 9.30am for the GoNoodle live session and 1pm for the weekly whole school remote celebration assembly.



Session 1

Session 2

Session 3













Science: body circulation,

lifestyle and nutrition

Thursday Maths




Go Noodle

live session

Forest schools




Thank you

The first days of remote learning have been remarkably smooth in year 3 and that is testament to the brilliant attitude of the children who have really impressed me with their independence, hard work and amazing attitudes. The work they are sending is of such a good quality and their interactions online are really positive.

Thank you, to you, the parents for the hard work you are doing to support at home at this difficult time.


Mrs Stiles


For other general school queries you can also contact 

Mrs Churchard -

Mrs Hackett -


Our SAET IT Team have also set up support for our remote families for technical IT issues.

Tel: 01562 542575 (7:30am - 6:00pm)


Please have your child's username or password ready and inform the IT team which school your child attends.

Dear Woodpeckers,


Woodpeckers weekly timetable

I don’t want to bombard you with too much information, however I want to share a short summary of what we expect your child to do during the course of the week, which we follow whether in school or working at home, in order to guide them and manage the school work. I hope that it is clear but please say if you have any queries.

I hope that most lessons work can be recorded either on line with the google docs, which can be sent straight back to me for feedback or with a picture posted on the stream or emailed to me. I hope we can quickly get into the new routines as many of them are the same as was before Christmas. Where lessons have altered it’s to ensure we have staffing in school to support everyone. We will also be sending home a work book which children can use to record the answers in, writing may be clearer on a plain piece of paper and any work can be photographed and emailed to me if that makes things easier for you. I am recording returned work each day, but I appreciate that there is flexibility with this. We are all trying our best so don’t worry if you can’t do everything. If your child is struggling please let us know, we want to be able to support everyone with this transition.

We will now be joined in our bubble by Mr McDonnell who everyone will know, our PE lessons are looking good! He may call to catch up with children and listen to readers also during the week, we are all trying to support you in any way we can.

Mrs Latty will still be supporting in our bubble also, she will be calling children and joining in with google meets. If your child was receiving support, then she will be continuing with this remotely where possible. We will contact you directly if we need to chat this through.

Mrs Hall and myself have split teaching during the afternoons, so will be marking the online submitted work and communicating with children and yourselves, when not in class.

You will see there are two google meets each day, 11am and 2pm. I appreciate that you may not be able to attend all these but I have tried to keep the format simple.


The first one allows us to read a chapter of Charlotte’s web together, so if you miss it please read it yourself. In the second, we shall be discussing the news stories from the daily Newsround bulletin. Please watch it before the meet and join in the chat. The website is:

Fridays are slightly different, I have detailed this below and Thursday afternoons is our PE slot so there is no google meet about Newsround that day.

I have also uploaded weekly optional homework activities on Education City. You do not have to complete these, however if you are struggling with the other work or want a change of scenery, they are there as something different, there is no requirement to complete them.



Reading Record: please complete this daily on the google classroom sheets recording sheet. I will monitor it during the week and feedback on your reading.

Spellings: the new list will be sent along with activities to complete during the week. Copy them out daily, to practice them. Please can someone test you on them, perhaps on Friday, or a Tuesday, like we do in school.

Maths: The Write Rose maths scheme video and worksheets will be posted for you to work through. Don’t worry about printing off the sheet, just record your answers in the book from school. Please take a picture of your work and send it to me for feedback.

English: practice your spellings and complete the reading record.

Daily google meets to read Charlotte’s web. 11.00-11.30. Discuss the story and what’s happened to the characters so far. Record your thoughts on the google docs and share it for feedback.

Watch Newsround in preparation for the google meet at 2pm-2.30pm where we will discuss the latest news events and check you are happy with the daily home learning.

Spanish with Mrs Hall. All activities and worksheets are included. Please share them for her to feedback to you.

Maths: practice the times table focus for the week using the song and google docs included. Share this with me to get feedback. Log into TT Rockstars and spend some time playing games.

English: practice your spellings and complete the reading record.
Join the daily google meet at 11.00-11.30 to hear the latest chapter then complete the google docs questions about the first two chapters. Share this for feedback.

Watch Newsround in preparation for the google meet at 2pm-2.30pm where we will discuss the latest news events and check you are happy with the daily home learning.

Science with me. I shall be including lots of activities and YouTube information clips about our new topic: farming and food. We will discover how our food is made and how this has changed over time. We shall find out what happens to it in our bodies and consider what we should eat to stay healthy. A google docs will be used for recording, please share this for feedback.


Maths: The Write Rose maths scheme video and worksheets will be posted for you to work through. Don’t worry about printing off the sheet, just record your answers in the book from school. Please take a picture of your work and send it to me for feedback.

English: practice your spellings and complete the reading record.

Daily google meet to read Charlotte’s web. 11.00-11.30. Discuss the story and what’s happened to the characters so far. Record your thoughts on the google docs and share it for feedback.

Watch Newsround in preparation for the google meet at 2pm-2.30pm where we will discuss the latest news events and check you are happy with the daily home learning.

RE with Mrs Hall. All activities and worksheets are included. Please share them for her to feedback to you.

Maths: practice the times table focus for the week using the song and google docs included. Share this with me to get feedback. Log in to TT Rockstars and spend some time playing games.

English: practice your spellings and complete the reading record.
Join the daily google meet at 11.00-11.30 to heard the latest chapter then complete the google docs questions about the first two chapters. Share this for feedback.

PE with Mr McDonnell we will be uploading workouts and structured activities for you to try. Watch out….. this is going to be fun for all the family!!!

No afternoon google meet.


This is all a little different! We wanted to change the focus on this day, let’s all chill out first with some mindfulness activities. It’s important to be kind to each other and focus on the special things.

If you have anything to catch up on please complete this during today.
Don’t forget to finish off your spelling practice and complete your reading record.

9.30am Interactive GoNoodle workout. The link will be uploaded each week. We will be taking part in school, so please wave to us!!

Forest school: I shall be uploading instructions to complete all the activities outside in any space you have available. You could go for a walk with family and complete them on the way or at the park. Take a picture and share it onto the google stream.

STEM activities: Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. We want to allow time to be creating and constructing things. Each week I will upload different ideas to make and do. This can be with Lego or anything you have available at home. Be creative and share what you achieve with a picture on the google stream for everyone to see.

Google meet with Celebration Assembly.



If your child is in school then please can they come in PE kits on Thursday and Forest school clothes on Fridays.


 Wow there is so much to take in there, as you can see I have been busy!!! If anything isn't clear please ask.   


Best wishes


Rachel Stiles


Learn Grow Achieve
