Welcome to
Mrs Hall
Mrs Cadwallader
Mr Leake
Mr Bishop
Summer Term 2018
Welcome to Summer Term 2018.
This term is all about Monsters!
And The Giant Paella!
This term we are Monster Mad!
And mad about Spain!
The children will enjoy reading and writing opportunities with a monster theme. They will enjoy a home project to design and create their very own monster which will be displayed and shared with the whole school.
Later on we will enjoy our Spanish topic where we will help Pablo collect all the ingredients to make a giant paella.
Where we are learning through our own child lead ideas.
We are allowed to explore on our own.
We have time to talk, play, laugh, share, create and evaluate.
Monday and Friday
English due in on a Monday. Spelling Test Monday
Times tables test Tuesday and Maths homework due in Tuesday
Forest school
Tuesday. Please ensure your child is suitably dressed for the weather conditions on the day.
Squirrels DT project
Squirrels children designed a purposeful, functional and appealing product for themselves and their families. They created a design and chose materials suitable for the purpose. They were extremely proud of their achievements and proud to display the Nativity Sets around the school and at home after.
An Island Home
Our Autumn topic, an Island Home where we enjoyed reading stories from the Katie Morag books. All our writing and art activities were based on these stories.
Class Photographs
Check back here regularly for photographs of what your child has been up to.
Links to websites that the children use in school which may be useful for them to access at home.
Please check here regularly for copies of any letters that may have been sent out by your child's teacher.