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Welcome to the Robins class page. 


Summer Term 2017


This term in Robins, we have so far in Science explored Healthy Eating and what that means. We have written letters about Healthy Eating which were so good we have included them in our special writing journey books.

Down in the Forest School we are busy creating mini bug homes linked to our investigation of living things and animals in Science.

Our main topic Heroes and Villains has begun with the story of ‘Eliot Jones - Midnight Superhero’. We have examined the use of nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs within the story. Our class bank of amazing words will be accessed during writing tasks which will include next term comic book stories.

In our DT and art sessions we are designing our jet packs and accessories any superhero could wear. For homework this weekend the children will be asked to design and label their own superhero outfit.

After half term we will look at super powers, if you had a superpower what would it be and why. We will then move onto real heroes past and present.

In maths we are developing our confidence in using addition, subtraction, division and multiplication when solving word problems, using objects, pictorial representations or arrays. Recognising the value of different denominations of coins and notes in class and during our role play too.

Daily we continue to revise the phonics sounds with both real and alien words in anticipation of the phonics testing in week commencing 12th June.

Reading List


Dear Greenpeace by Simon James

Dear Teacher by Amy Husband

Never Mail an Elephant by Mike Thaler

The Dancing Tiger by Malachy Doyle

Elliot Jones: Midnight Superhero by Anne Cottringer & Alex Smith

Superhero ABC by Bob McCleod

Super Daisy by Kes Gray

Various versions of traditional tales.

  Non-fiction texts about the emergency services, Florence Nightingale.

Welcome to Robins – Year 1


It is lovely to welcome everyone back to school and into their new class – Robins! 

The children have settled into their new class perfectly and they have come back refreshed, raring to go, and taller too!  Below is some useful information.


Teaching Staff this term

Class Teacher = Mrs Webber (Mr McDonnell will be teaching PE)

TAs = Mrs Reeves and Mr Leake



Monday and Thursday are our days for PE in the afternoons which will be taught by Mr McDonnell.  One day will be outdoor PE and the other is indoors.  The children will need their PE kit in school including appropriate footwear and warmer clothes for when the weather gets chillier.  Also if your child wears earrings we will need to cover them with tape unless they can remove them by themselves, alternatively they can be left out on these days (which will be required when the children go swimming later in the term).


Forest School

The children will continue to have Forest School on Tuesday afternoons with Mrs Hemming, Mrs Reeves and Miss Harrold.  They will need wellies which should be kept in school if possible and to wear suitable clothing for outdoor activities, which can sometimes be messy, so designer or fashion clothes may not be the most appropriate.  They also need to be warm enough for being outside for the whole afternoon (layers is best, as well as a coat).



Although children have an opportunity to read each day through guided, shared and independent reading tasks, books are changed in class on a Monday and Thursday. However, if your child needs to change their book more often they can – we are encouraging the children to put their books in the ‘Change my reading book’ tray.

Please still encourage your child to read as often as they can and continue to use the reading record as a means to communicate messages and updates regarding reading


Learning through Play

To make the children’s transition from reception into year 1 (Key Stage 1) a smooth and positive experience we have provided an environment that is similar to their experiences in Hedgehogs.  Their learning will continue to use the environment around them as well as being in focused groups.  This provision will gradually change throughout the year.



We will send writing homework books home this term on Fridays, where the children can write about something they did at the weekend.  In school we will focus on the use of capital letters, full stops, finger spaces between words and sounding out words to help with spelling.  Try to encourage your child to have a go at writing.  Their writing may be phonetic but this is absolutely fine at this stage and they are doing really well to sound out and spell words.

Maths homework will focus on counting and number reinforcement, moving on to one more/one less, addition, subtraction and their relevant vocabulary.

We will also soon begin sending out spellings for the children to learn and use.


Snack & Drinks

Snacks are provided for the children in Key Stage 1 and will be available at breaktime.  There is also a tray where we keep the children’s drink containers but there is water provided if they forget to bring one in.


If you have any questions or queries I am available before and after school most days.

I’m really looking forward to the year ahead and am sure it will be amazing!! 



Mrs Webber

Robins Class Teacher

Learn Grow Achieve
