
School Announcements

Learn Grow Achieve ~ Follow us on Instagram & Twitter @wolverley_SAET ~ Wolverley Sebright Nursery call 01562 850268 for more details ~ Wrap Around Call 07771 848288 to secure your place ~ If you wish to visit our school and see it in action please call 01562 850268 to arrange a time.
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Curriculum Overview

Autumn Term 1

Our topic for the first part of the Autumn Term will be “Home Sweet Home”. The topic will cover many areas of National Curriculum and will give the children a cross curricular approach to their learning. This will include:


English – reading "The Three Little Pigs" retold by Susanna Davidson and writing sentences, speech bubbles, sequencing the story and writing a letter. They will then read "Mrs Mole I'm Home" by Jarvis and write sentences about the Mole's appearance, predict what might happen and carry out roleplay. 


Phonics - we will be using our Floppy Phonics scheme to teach phonics to the children. We will be focusing on recapping level 1-3 from Hedgehogs and then introducing the alternative spellings from level 4. 


Maths - This half term, we will be focusing on place value, addition and subtraction within 10. 


Geography – We will be focusing on local Geography including learning about Wolverley and our school grounds. This will include using and drawing maps and aerial photographs.


Computing - Using Paintz app and experimenting with the tools within the software, and what they do. 


PE - We will start the half term learning about the basic fundamentals of PE including travelling, changing direction, jumping and skipping. We will then go onto basic ball skills including dribbling with a ball, rolling, throwing and catching skills.


Science – The Human Body. The children will be naming, drawing and labelling the different parts of the human body and learning about and investigating their 5 senses.  


RE - We will be using the Jigsaw RE scheme of work and this half term we will be learning about Christianity, what Christian's believe and the creation story.


PSHE - We use the Jigsaw scheme of work for computing and this half term we will be thinking about rules, praise, reward and sanction and creating a 'Learning Charter.


ART - The key skill we will be focusing on is 'Drawing'. We will be learning how to describe lines, control drawing materials like pencil and chalk and experiment with different media, while responding to music. 


Music - Through our Charanga scheme, we will be exploring the song 'Hey You!', which celebrates Old-School Hip Hop. We will also be learning our Harvest Festival song. 


Learn Grow Achieve
