Maths weeks 1 & 2
Here is the Maths content for weeks 1 & 2 before Easter.
(weeks beginning 23/03/2020 and 30/03/2020)
The Year 5 home learning pack contains both maths and English activities.
The overviews will tell you which pages to do during that week.
There is also a sheet to practice the written methods for each of the four operations (+, -, x and ÷).
Just to make things a bit more interesting and exciting, there will be additional challenges on Swallows' Google Classroom. These are not essential but are fun to do.
I have also put the answer pack up now - try and have a go before you look up the answer!
Don't forget to practice TT Rockstars everyday!! The same as when we are in school.
If you have any queries, you can email me or use Google Classroom.
Mrs Webber