Online homework
Following the success of the online home schooling and the use of Google Classroom and Education City and also to minimise the number of books going to and from school, all homework will be set on line.
Homework will focus on five things:
1. Daily reading recorded in the reading record.
2. Regular spelling practice of the words sent home and taught in school.
3. Education city reviewing Maths, Science and English activities taught in school
4. TT Rockstars to practice times tables fluency.
5. Google Classroom to share comments with the class and additional learning.
Any remote learning, if children have to self-isolate for a time at home, will be included on the Woodpeckers remote learning google classroom separate to the weekly homework.
Generally homework will be set either using Google Classroom or Education City. To access both of these platforms you will need your child's 'Wonde' password. You should already have a copy of these at home, and your child's teacher will also stick a copy in the front of your child's reading record book. Click on the link below, and follow the instructions to log into Wonde. You will then be able to access your child's Google Classroom as well as the 'My City' homework that has been set for them on Education City by their teacher.
TT Rockstars
Regular practice of the times tables is essential for confident maths learning. Every child can access their TT Rockstars account either using the icon on Wonde or directly through the TT Rockstars website. Again the children have their password in the front of their reading records.
Initially they will play using only times tables that have be taught in school but as they progress through the school it’s important that they are confident in all tables up to 12x12.
Reading is THE most important thing you can do with your child at home. The expectation is that your child will read at home every night. If they do not have an opportunity to read to someone at home then they will have an opportunity to read at break time so they do not fall behind with their reading. Please ensure that you record in the reading record book when your child has read at home. Just make sure you record the date, the name of the book read and a comment in the reading record book.
Every child will have a set of spelling words which follow a particular pattern taught in school. They will come home in a book for them to practice in at home. A weekly test will take place every Tuesday. Please ensure that the spelling books are returned on a Monday in preparation for the next weeks spellings list to be added.