
School Announcements

Learn Grow Achieve ~ Follow us on Instagram & Twitter @wolverley_SAET ~ Wolverley Sebright Nursery call 01562 850268 for more details ~ Wrap Around Call 07771 848288 to secure your place ~ If you wish to visit our school and see it in action please call 01562 850268 to arrange a time.
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Welcome to Wolverley


“If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn”

Ignacio Estrada


Our aim is to ensure that every child reaches their full potential.



Our Vision...


At Wolverley Sebright Primary Academy we strive to ensure all our pupils reach their full potential by developing a community and a curriculum that encompasses our motto to ‘Learn, Grow and Achieve’. 


We will nurture happy and confident children equipped with character and skills to succeed.


We will achieve this through a strong and balanced curriculum, caring and committed staff within a safe, inspiring learning environment.


We want each child to:


  • thrive

  • feel safe and secure

  • develop confidence in everything they do

  • have empathy and an understanding of people and the world around them 

  • be independent learners 

  • be full of aspiration   


We achieve this through creating a climate where pupils are nurtured and are surrounded by an inspiring curriculum. We ensure we support the needs of all their in providing support, guidance which excites the learner’s curiosity.


Everyone is part of driving the learning and ambition which ensures all pupils succeed both in school and in life afterwards.


Working in partnership with our families has created a school community which is aspirational and has a strong family ethos in which everyone is valued and respected.



Wolverley Sebright Primary Academy & Nursery...


  • Is a safe and nurturing environment which promotes a ‘can-do’ culture.
  • Is constantly working to enhance a culture of creativity, positive risk taking and adventure for learning.
  • Celebrates achievements throughout the school valuing all contributions
  • Has dynamic and visionary leadership, working in an inclusive and supportive way with staff, governors, local community members, other schools, students and parents
  • Is values driven and fully embraces the diverse needs of pupils and local community.
  • Is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.


Our Curriculum Drivers...



Our children will become resilient and able to deal with different challenges across the curriculum and in the wider world. They will develop the ability to solve problems without giving up and develop the skills to work independently.



Our children will know their rights and respect the rights of others. They will be able to use their knowledge and understanding of the world to build meaningful relationships, free from discrimination. To understand and respect difference. To show respect and not tolerate any form of bullying. To prepare for a life in modern Britain by learning about British Values.



Our children will have high aspirations for their future and know all the available opportunities open to them. We are passionate about ensuring that even from a young age, our children are exposed to a range of possibilities to broaden their aspirations and build their confidence.



Our Pledge...


  • To develop the pupils’ spiritual well-being through a nurturing and caring ethos.
  • To be offered two residential educational visits during Key Stage 2.
  • To be offered trips to enhance the curriculum in each year group. 
  • To learn and develop skills in a variety of competitive sports including, bell boating, golf, football, tennis, rugby, cricket. 
  • To participate in stage drama productions - on or off the stage including acting, production, graphics and sound. 
  • The opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument.
  • To study the basics of a modern foreign languages.
  • To have a code of conduct that serves the community.
  • To make a positive contribution to society.




Come and see us in action.

Contact the main school office on 01562 850268 or email  

Learn Grow Achieve
