Week Beginning 12th March...
What a busy week! We had several visitors this week which has kept me very busy.
Nigel Bishop joined us on Tuesday to review the provision we have for our pupils and how we spend additional income that comes into our school. Nigel was fantastic and we shared some great ideas.
On Wednesday Mike Ion (Education Advisor from the Department of Education) came into school to hear about our school and the journey we have been on over the past five years.
All our visitors were very impressed with our school and with our amazing pupils.
Following our trip to London and The Houses of Parliament our cabinet are about to review our Behaviour Policy to see how we can make it even better!
Yesterday was another busy day - Celebration assembly was full of awards from the week including invitations to The Golden Table. I was joined by Ryan and Preston from Robins and then Macey and Emily from Woodpeckers.
Year 3 went Bell Boating with Miss Bidnell and Mr McDonnell for their second session for Bell Boating.
Next week is the Pyramid Concert - we look forward to our children taking part in this event.