
School Announcements

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School Update


School Update: 14.09.2020


You may have read or seen recent news reports about COVID-19 positive testing and how this affects schools, with students and staff required to self-isolate.  Please be assured that Wolverley Sebright does not need to implement these measures at present.  We have, and will continue to, closely follow government and Public Health England guidance, applying any increased measures necessary.   As a reminder:


We are:

  • Making everyone aware that they must not come to school (and must self-isolate) IF
  1. they have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms, or
  2. someone in their household has coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms


  • Ensuring facilities are available for frequent hand washing and sanitising throughout the day


  • Making everyone aware of the importance of ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’


  • Continuing to maintain higher levels of cleaning, including the regular cleaning of frequently touched surfaces throughout the day


  • Using ‘bubbles’ to minimise contact between individuals and maintain social distancing wherever possible


As this is an ever-changing situation, we continue to keep track of updates and monitor our processes on a daily basis, if there is a need to introduce further measures we will keep parents informed.  We are in this together, rest assured, we will not let our guard down and, remember:




You can help too:


  • You should seek a test as soon as possible, the fastest way to get a test result is to go to a testing site. Individuals will need a pre-booked appointment or they will not be given a test. People can also order home test kits to be sent directly to them. To book an appointment or order a home kit, visit:


  • Maintain 2 metre social distancing, it is important that you do this when dropping or picking up your child and, on the way to/from school


  • Encourage everyone in your household to wash their hands regularly, younger children may need help with this



If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask a member of staff. 


Thank you again for your continued support and co-operation.


Learn Grow Achieve
