
School Announcements

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School Update 11.01.2021

School Update



Welcome to our first full week of ‘Blended’ learning, remote and in-school provision. I have recommended to staff that we review our practice this week in order to make it effective for all. This will include how Google classroom and Meet are being used and how other class linked approaches are having the correct impact.


Our Google Meet/ Live Links have been timetabled to avoid clashes with siblings in other year groups. At a glance, the timings are listed below:


9.00am: Swallows & Owls (Years 5 & 6)

9.15am: Hedgehogs (Year R)

9.30am: Robins & Squirrels (Years 1 & 2)

10.50am: Kingfishers (Year 4)

11.00am: Woodpeckers (Year 3)

12.00pm: Swallows & Owls (Years 5 & 6)

2.00pm: Woodpeckers & Kingfishers (Years 3 & 4)

2.30pm: Robins & Squirrels (Years 1 & 2)


We will work through this week together and make any necessary changes to ensure this works for our pupils.



It is important that we focus on the needs of our pupils and our school community. I communicate with several professionals working in many schools across the country. What is very clear and what we should focus on is what works for us. This may be slightly different depending on context – there will be different priorities in different communities. School surveys have been issued and in addition we are contacting each family to make sure everyone has what they need.


We are a strong community because we have always worked together, shown empathy and respect. There is guidance from the Department of Education and Public Health that schools are following but we must all do our bit.


Last week, most schools saw an increase in pupils attending school. Some schools recommended that if a child has been offered a place they should attend every day. We have chosen to advise parents they should ONLY send their child to school on the days they require provision.


The main message, especially over the weekend, is keep your child at home where possible to reduce any potential risks to families and staff. We await to see if further restrictions are imposed during this lockdown. 


Mrs RW

Learn Grow Achieve
