
School Announcements

Learn Grow Achieve ~ Follow us on Instagram & Twitter @wolverley_SAET ~ Wolverley Sebright Nursery call 01562 850268 for more details ~ Wrap Around Call 07771 848288 to secure your place ~ If you wish to visit our school and see it in action please call 01562 850268 to arrange a time.
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School Update 06.01.2021

School Update 



Day 1 of our new Spring Term and I wanted to share what school is like and what we have arranged for our pupils and families. 


In school we are running 4 Bubbles each containing children of Critical/Key Workers and staff are coordinating teaching time in school with online learning. 


Staff will be able to provide each class with an overview of live link timings that do not clash with other year groups, these will start next week. Google Meets will be the platform used with Google Classroom as our learning platform. 



Mrs Hackett and Mrs Churchard are available and are the first contact if you have any queries during the school day. Office hours are 8.30am - 3.30pm 01562 850268

Email or 


Links will be sent out to parents if their child wishes to join in with weekly celebration assemblies. We will send out a test link at the start of next week ready for our first assembly on Friday 15th January. 


To support learning opportunities for all we have set up a new PE site contains recorded Lessons, resources and links to live lessons. 


Our SAET IT Team have set up support for our remote learning families. 01562 542575 (7.30am - 6.00pm) or email - this is for technical IT issues. Please have your child's username or password ready and inform the IT team which school your child attends.

Guidance will be sent out to all parents. 


We are working hard to make sure all our families have the support they need. Please do not worry over the next few days if you have any issues in regard to remote learning.


This is the fourth major change to take place in the last 10 months within schools. Since the pandemic began we have never closed and remained open throughout. We have altered our provision to support the changing climate and needs of our families. The most recent change provided little time to put in place effective methods - we are working non-stop to get everything we need in place on top of teaching children of critical / key workers full time. Everything you need will be in place and shared by Friday.  


We will continue with our weekly 'In the Loop' newsletters and regular updates on the website will be alerted to parents via the text message service. 


Take care & Keep Safe 





Learn Grow Achieve
