
School Announcements

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Returning to School

Returning to School in September


When & How will school reopen?


Our school will reopen on Thursday 3rd September for Years 5 and 6. On Monday 7th September Years 1 and 2 will join us followed by Years 3 and 4 on Wednesday 9th September. Our new reception class will begin their transition into school from Monday 14th September.


Following Government advice we will need to stagger the start and end of school to ensure everyone is safe - however we are also mindful of supporting our families in getting back to ‘normal’ so we will outline our plans and will review these during September.


On arrival all children will be directed to the nearest wash basin and hand sanitiser.


We do need to reduce the amount of people on the school site at the start and end of the school day so we are suggesting the following:


Owls: Year 6 will need to arrive independently at 8.40am and will be welcomed into the building via the Key Stage 2 door. The Year 6 pupils will finish and leave school at 2.50pm.


Swallows: Year 5 will need to arrive (independently if possible from the public pathway -staff will be available to see each child into school) at 8.45am and will be welcomed into the building via the Key Stage 2 door. The Year 5 pupils will leave school at 2.55pm.


Kingfishers: Year 4 will need to arrive at school (independently if possible from the public pathway—staff we be available to see pupils into school) at 8.50am and will be welcomed into the building via the Key Stage 2 door. The Year 4 pupils will leave school at 3.00pm


Woodpeckers: Year 3 will need to arrive at school (with only one adult) at 8.55am and will be welcomed into the building via the Key Stage 2 door. The Year 3 pupils will leave school at 3.00pm


Squirrels: Year 2, Robins: Year 1 and Hedgehogs Year R will need to arrive from 9.00am—9.05am and go straight to the entry points for each class. Collection will be from 3.05pm - 3.10pm


Squirrels: the old Hedgehogs entrance (which will become the new year 2 classroom)


Robins: the old Year 2 entrance (which will become the new Year 1 classroom)


Hedgehogs: the new classroom entrance (the modular build—you won’t miss it!)


As we only have one safe pedestrian point of entrance on to our site we ask that families and children maintain the safe 1-2 metre distance rule and follow the markings on the playground.


We appreciate that many of our pupils will need support at the start of term when they arrive. It is our aim that with a staggered start to term, and year groups starting on different days, most pupils will have settled into our revised routines quickly.


A staggered start and end of the school day will also help with the flow of traffic on and off the school site. To help we suggest that parents limit the time they wait on the school site – we will not let any of the children leave without your permission. However, if you have siblings in different year groups starting at completely different times and this proves difficult, then please let us know -we are here to help!


Getting to school

Walking to and from school - if your child is in year 5 or 6 and you are happy for them to walk independently to school and from school then please complete the permission Google Form Mrs Hackett will send out prior to the new term.

We are awaiting confirmation as to whether we will have a crossing patrol from September, once we know we will of course inform all parents.


Car Parking

We kindly ask that all families park legally and safely in September. Mill Lane should be avoided along with the bus bay. The Memorial Car Park is an ideal place for cars to be parked safely each day. With the staggered start we also hope that there will be additional parking if required.


How pupils will be grouped?

Consistent groups will be enforced when pupils return to school at the start of the Autumn term. We aim for this arrangement to help reduce the risk of coronavirus transmission by limiting the number of people pupils encounter throughout the school day.


Enforcing strict group arrangements will also help us reduce the number of people who will be asked to self-isolate should a member of the group become ill with coronavirus. From September, pupils will be grouped in whole-class groups within phases until further notice. For example Year 5 and 6 are one phase so will have outdoor break at the same time but will not mix as the playground will be split into two sections or the field will be used for one year group and the playground for the other year group.

We will continually review the effectiveness of how we group the children, and will keep you informed of any changes we need to make.


Supporting pupils with SEND

We understand that some pupils with complex needs may find this transition back into school and a new routine challenging or stressful; however, we are committed to supporting each individual pupil fully as they return to school. To help support pupils with SEND transition back into school, the class teacher will meet to discuss additional provision and support which can be put into place.

Please do not hesitate to contact myself or Mrs Brown on 01562 850268 or email should you have any concerns specific to your child’s needs in preparation for their return in the Autumn term.

We also understand that some of the protective measures identified in our risk management plan may not be suitable or practical for all pupils.

We are, therefore, committed to helping all pupils stay safe as best we can and working with your child to help encourage good hand and respiratory hygiene and social distancing practices.

We will continue to provide educational and care support as normal to pupils who require it.


Catering arrangements

School kitchens will be fully open from the start of the Autumn term and will serve both hot and cold food.

Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM) and Free school meals (FSM) will be provided as normal.

Once the new menu has been received from the catering company it will be posted to the school website.

A text will be sent out once this has been done.

Meals for children in school years 3,4,5 & 6 (apart from free school meals) will be charged at £2.30 per day (cash please to the school office).

More details will follow.

Pupils will remain in their designated groups at lunchtime and will eat their lunches in their classroom.

Infection control and social distancing measures will be enforced during lunchtime and we ask that pupils do not share food, utensils, or cups at this time.


School uniform

From September all pupils will need to wear full school uniform on all days apart from PE day for Years 3-6.


The children in Hedgehogs, Robins and Squirrels will get changed in school for PE so will need to bring their PE kit with them.


Children in Years 3– 6 will need to come dressed in their School PE kit on their PE day (no football kits can be worn) only school colours must be worn including a tracksuit when the weather starts to change.


This will limit the amount of items in school and reduce the time spent getting ready.

Your child’s teacher will inform you of the PE day and a text will be sent out as a reminder.


We are mindful however, that these arrangements may not be possible for some parents who are facing financial pressures. Please contact me as soon as possible to discuss any alternative uniform arrangements or how we can support in preparation for September.


Infection control and social distancing measures as of September


It is important that we maintain proportionate infection control and social distancing measures when we welcome back all pupils and staff from the start of the Autumn term. #To ensure everyone’s safety, we will be enforcing the following as part of our risk management plan:

 Anyone who is unwell and displaying symptoms of coronavirus will be asked to stay at home for seven days.

 Robust hand and respiratory hygiene practices will be encouraged and enforced.

 Enhanced cleaning will be undertaken as necessary, including cleaning any frequently touched surfaces throughout the day.

 The NHS ‘Test and Trace’ system will be actively used and followed.

 Limitations will be placed on the number of people, staff and pupils encounter during the school day.

 Large gatherings will be avoided, e.g. assemblies and collective worship.

 Pupils will be grouped together and asked to remain in these groups.

 Contact between groups will be avoided.

 Classrooms will be arranged in Years 2 - 6 to allow for social distancing and desks will be faced forwards to minimise face-to-face interaction between pupils.

 In Year 1 and Early Years pupils will be taught in smaller groups with equipment cleaned throughout the school day.

 Pupils will be reminded to remain at least two metres away from members of staff, where practicable.

 Should any of the above protective measures change at any time, including the need to close the school due to a local lockdown, we will contact you via email/ text as soon as possible.


If your child becomes unwell If your child becomes unwell at school and develops a new, continuous cough, a high temperature, or a loss of, or change in their normal sense of smell or taste, they will be sent home immediately. They will be told to self-isolate within the school and supervised, as necessary, until they can be collected. The school will contact you via telephone as soon as possible should your child need to go home.

If we do not have your up-to-date contact details, please contact the school office as soon as possible to notify us of any changes. If your child becomes unwell at home and is presenting with symptoms of coronavirus (listed above), we ask that your child does not attend school and instead stays at home for the next 10 days or until they test negative for coronavirus.


We encourage all parents whose child is presenting with coronavirus symptoms to get their child tested and, where required, their family. Please contact the school office on 01562 850268 or email before 8:00am to notify us that your child will not be attending. We also ask that you notify the school office as soon as possible with the results of any coronavirus tests your child has undertaken.


Learn Grow Achieve
