
School Announcements

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Returning to School - Wednesday 6th January

Return to School 

Wednesday 6th January, 2021


Firstly, we would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! 


I'm not sure there has been a day over the festive period when discussion around COVID and Schools has not been in the headlines. Each day a new article has prompted reactions and in some cases uncertainty. 


As it currently stands primary schools will open this week - staff are in school preparing for the start of the Spring Term and we look forward to welcoming our children back. However, we are also aware that our families will have different views and feelings on what they have read or heard. 


There has been no directive to primary schools to alter our current provision. School will be open from Wednesday 6th January and we will continue to follow the protective measures we have in place. These include:


  • Staggered start and end times to the school day.
  • Children and Families maintaining safe distance from each other.
  • Daily reminders for pupils how to keep safe. This is achieved through age appropriate video clips and signs.
  • Following strict hand washing & sanitising throughout the day.
  • Following a marked route in our corridors with only one class allowed in the corridors at one time.
  • Using the isolation room if they feel unwell
  • Face masks worn by adults on the school site.
  • Adjustments to the timetables to reduce number of contacts over the period of the day. 
  • Break and Lunchtimes staggered. 
  • Children remaining in class bubbles with seating plans in place.
  • A cleaning schedule in place throughout the school day with deep cleans taking place at the end of each day.
  • Staff will wear PPE when dealing with pupils who are unwell
  • Whole school equipment is cleaned after every use and quarantined for 72 hours
  • Books are quarantined for over 72 hours before they are able to use again


A full list can be viewed on our COVID page in our Risk Assessment. 


We respect that some parents may wish to discuss their personal circumstances with us. Please do - we are here to help, support and advise. 


The main points to follow remain the same: 

  • For the most accurate and up to date advice, please contact the NHS services on 111 or 119 if you have any concerns or questions relating symptoms. We strongly advise that you use these services


  • DO NOT send your child to school if they are unwell.


  • Please contact the school when reporting an absence and the nature of the absence. If your son or daughter is ill or shows any of the of symptoms that are associated with Coronavirus including:
  • High temperature
  • New, continuous cough
  • Loss or change to sense of smell and taste


We are in the process of updating our records.  A Google Form will be sent out this week for families to complete. This information will only be used if primary schools need to make any alterations to their current provision.


If you have any questions please contact school on 


Learn Grow Achieve
