Tuesday 26th January
We will work to open school tomorrow but only for children of critical / key workers who can not work from home.
The school site is still covered in snow and ice as our caretaker has been unable to get to the school site from where he lives, due to the treacherous conditions.
The surrounding footpaths by school are still very icy and parking will be difficult. I will upload recently taken photographs to our social media sites so parents are aware of the current conditions.
We will not know until tomorrow if we will have a full complement of staff able to get to school during the day. This will depend on the conditions we wake up to.
The plan is for pathways, on the school site, to be cleared and gritted early tomorrow morning and to get the site safe. However, with further freezing temperatures overnight we advise the following for tomorrow:
If you have any questions please email office@wolverleysebright.worcs.sch.uk or head@wolverleysebright.worcs.sch.uk
The forecast is for improved weather temperatures after tomorrow so we will be 'back to normal' from Wednesday.