
School Announcements

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Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete

Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete


You may have seen recent media coverage regarding Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) and its use in educational settings. The Department for Education (DfE) has recently changed its guidance to take a more precautionary approach, given the concerns about the long-term durability of RAAC and we appreciate the concern this may raise for our children and families, but want to reassure you that safety is a key priority for all of our schools.


We do not have any confirmed RAAC in our buildings and have not been asked to close any areas. However, naturally we want to take particular care around this and the Trust Estates team are currently working with the DfE and surveyors to review the construction of relevant parts of our buildings. 


The change in guidance is precautionary in nature, and only affects education premises where the presence of RAAC has been confirmed.  If, at any stage, RAAC is identified, we will let parents/carers know straight away, and we have contingencies in place to prioritise the continuation of education and that the impact on children is kept to an absolute minimum. 


Rest assured that the safety of children and staff is of paramount importance to all concerned.


Thank you for your understanding.

Learn Grow Achieve
