
School Announcements

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Parents Evening information

Dear Parents

Thank you for arranging an appointment time for next week’s parents evening. When you arrive, please collect your child’s tray (located outside your child’s classroom) this will contain their writing journey and maths books. Please then head to the hall until your child’s teacher is available; refreshments will be available while you wait.

The main focus of the spring term parents evening is to share an interim report of where your child is at now and targets for the summer term. The interim report will include pupil attendance percentages for the school year so far, whether they are at, below or above age related expectations for this point of the school year, a summary of achievements in reading, writing and maths and targets for the summer term.

However, we are aware that this evening will not allow us the time or opportunity for you to sample all your child’s many achievements. Therefore we will be holding open mornings/afternoons during the summer term for each year group. This will enable your child to share with you their successes from the wider curriculum subjects such as science, the arts, humanities, sports, RE, Spanish in Key stage 2 and the variety of topic studies that take place throughout our school.

The children are keen to share and celebrate how they learn in our school and will invite you to join them in class for a ‘fly on the wall’ which will highlight their hard work and talents. A list of dates will be issued after the Easter holiday along with the summer term curriculum overview for each class.

If your child is in a year group listed below, additional information will be given out due to statutory tests that take place in those year groups:

Year 1 – Phonic Screening Check guidance

Year 2 – SATs information, guidance and booklets

Year 6 – SATs information, guidance and booklets

In addition to your child’s interim report, if your child receives additional support in school, an update of their progress will be shared during your appointment.

During both evenings, I and support staff will be available if any parent/carer would like to discuss further any aspect of their child’s progress or how we can support them to ensure they reach their full potential.

Yours sincerely


Mrs S Reeves-Walters


Wolverley Sebright VA Primary School


Learn Grow Achieve
